Chapter 16✅

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⚠️This chapter deals with a kidnapping⚠️

"Derek I don't need a bodyguard".

"I have to agree with him my dear, someone is out to get you and they had no issue burning down a building used for disabled kids. We have to assume they have no conscience, right now your safety and that of your baby is all that matters".

Stiles stops peeling the carrot and look at Talia, "I can do a lot of magic now".

"I know sweetie but the truth is being deaf puts you at an disadvantage. If someone is being followed they can hear and investigate. You can't hear the things that would make you turn around and check".

"Ok I'll have the bodyguards being deaf sucks at times. You're forced to live with this thing you have no control over that at times can make you very vulnerable. I can't hear to save myself if needs be or scream for help".

"I can't understand how much this suck for you but know we as a pack will do our best to take care of you. Before Cora I didn't think about deaf people to be honest. Seeing from afar just how much she had to go through. The prejudice of some people made me furious. Then it hit me as mad I was was she was the one going through it.

I realised then that not being able to hear can truly make you feel worthless if you allow it to. I see the way Cora has come out her shell, the way you interact with other members of our pack. I see how you're loved and I know that you will NOT allow something. You have literally no control over get you down.

Yes you're deaf and yes you need bodyguards but think of it this way. Even if you weren't deaf you will still need them for your safety. I know what I want to say, but I don't think I'm expressing it correctly".

"I get it Laura you don't want me to go in a depression because I'm deaf which is something I can't change. You don't want me to think negatively of myself. Thank you Laura, you and Cora are like the sisters I never had".

They hug each other, the next day Stiles and Derek return home. She checks the mail to see him if there were any more messages from her unknown enemy. Derek notices the big sigh she did after looking through the mail. He reaches out his hands to her and draws her in a hug she starts to cry on his shoulder.

He curses glad she couldn't hear the expletives coming from his mouth. When she finished crying he calls their housekeeper and ask her to make some peppermint tea.

"Is anyone tailing Lydia to see what she's doing?" Ask Stiles taking a sip of her tea.

"Yeah mom as someone watching her but she's not doing anything suspicious".

"Could the arsonist be someone from another pack. Who thinks by targeting me and hurting me they weaken you to the point this pack fall apart".

"It could be."

"The guys tailing Lydia do they take pictures?" he nods. "I would love to see who she hangs around with".

Stiles watches as Derek types on his phone, a couple of minutes later Derek shows her his phone. Stiles becomes white as a sheet, Derek ask her what's wrong she doesn't answer.

He lifts her up and takes her upstairs into their bedroom, "Stiles you need to tell me what's wrong. I know it's something to do with the picture I showed you".

After a while she looks at him, "That guy was one of the guys that wanted to force themselves on me. That scar on his arm I gave it to him. Looking back I realised my magic must have helped me".


Lydia and Stiles walk out a club, Stiles didn't have any alcohol to drink. Despite how much Lydia tried to persuade her to drink. She's waiting on their taxis when Lydia goes back in the club to use the bathroom.

Stiles is grab from behind and a cloth placed over her mouth. She wake up in a warehouse that was being used as a flat. Three men come towards her, "finally you're awake", says a red headed man in his twenties. "It's no fun if you're not kicking and screaming", as the man talks. Stiles look around her and sees there's a kitchen with a knife on the counter.

She sees chains and whips near the bed she's placed on. As the men advance on her she prayed and wished that her hands were free. Her hands begin to become very wet and the tape holding them together. Became loose to the point using her left thumb she was able to peel down the tape.

The men started talking about what they would do to her. Not realising she was freeing her hands, since her feet weren't tied together. When Stiles got the tape off she was able to jump from the bed and grab the kitchen knife. Before any of the men realised what was going on.

They all advanced on her and she starts using the knife in a stabbing motion. One of the men got the chain from off the floor and began to tie his colleague up with it.

"What are you doing shouts the redhead man?" While the man is distracted Stiles knees him in the groins making him fall to the floor. When she makes to move he grabs her leg and she stabs him on his left arm. She watches the man tied to the chair and the other man who looks at her with a blank expression on his face.

She look around frantically for a door, when she spot one she opens it to see she's outside. Looking around her surroundings she immediately knew where she was. She textphone the police and gave a statement. She got home to see Lydia drinking hot chocolate and watching mean girls.

"Wow you didn't even spent the whole night with the guy. You should have let me know you were having a one night stand. I was worried when I came back outside to see you left me. Good job the bouncer saw you leaving with a guy and told me".

Stiles took a shower and told Lydia what happened. Lydia was upset for her friend but couldn't understand how Stiles managed to escape three guys by herself. She kept asking Stiles what she was thinking while she attempted to make her escape. She kept asking to the point Stiles called her tackless.

"If it was me it would put me off men for life especially being intimate in anyway with one", Stiles remembers Lydia saying to her.

End of flashback

"When I got hold of the knife and they were coming for me. I wished that the guy who tied up the other one would do it. I wanted a way to free my hands from the tape and it suddenly became loose", says Stiles.

"You said one of the guys was staring at you blankly. What if you can get people to do what you want".

"I didn't tell him to do that with words".

"No but if you thought it and are powerful enough you could have forced him to do your will".

"I'm going to ask my dad if he's able to do that".

Stiles calls her dad and he tells her that she can indeed bend people to her will. But she must never do so unless she had no other choice.

After talking to Stiles dad Derek calls his mum and ask her to come over. After going through all the pictures Derek was sent. Stiles saw Lydia with all three men that took her. Sadly by the time the police got to the warehouse all three men were gone.

"This can't be a coincidence, she clearly knows these men well", says Talia.

"I think she sent those men after me, she wanted me scared and isolated. And feeling like she was the only one I could depend on except my dad".

"If you hated men and feared them you would feel the same about your mate. She would have your magic to feed on for years. An unhappy Stiles made for a happy Lydia".

"But Derek who's to say they wouldn't have killed me if I didn't escape."

"Seeing Lydia with them tells me she wouldn't have allowed that to happen, she needed your magic way too much. These guys need to be punish, we need to identify them and Stiles you need to go the police. With their names once we find them out so it's on record".

"Now we know she has accomplishes, do we know if they're humans yet?"

"They're humans", answered Talia.

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