Chapter 30✅

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The victims were taken to hospital to be checked over and the Hales went back to the sheriff's house. Stiles decides to have a nap when they arrive at her dad's. When she opens her eyes she was surprise to find she had sleep for over thirteen hours straight.

Talia arrived the day before while Stiles was sleeping, "Afternoon Stiles, I made you some pancakes".

"Thank you where is everyone?"

"Helping Scott with sorting out where to put people after the hospital releases them. None of them want to go back to their packs. I bought the paperwork Scott needs to fill in for our bank and gave him some more money. I know some of our allied packs has donated to a fund to help the victims that are staying here. All the facilities were raided while you were sleeping and there's an all out bulletin for this Allison person. She can't walk anywhere without seeing a picture of herself everywhere. The Association of Alphas had a conference call and decided that anywhere trafficking happened. The Alphas of that territory will get additional funding, if they weren't involved in it". Stiles eyes go wide.

"Unfortunately some Alphas took money to look the other way and even gave their own pack members up to these people for a fee. That's why so many of the people you helped rescued want to stay here. They've heard of Scott McCall and what a fair man he is and how he looks out for his people. Most of the people in this town has asked to be turned not only them but their children also".

"They're scared", say Stiles

"Yes they're, they now know some of the truly horrific things happening in this world and want to have the opportunity to defend themselves. The supernatural council and the Alphas have agreed to it".

"Make I make a suggestion".

"Of course dear".

"Since this town will be only have supernaturals once people are turned into werewolves. There should be a head beta and gamma who's in charge of the pack after the Alpha's. As well as warriors who train the pack, I think the kids should start official training from age six. But should attend kid friendly safety training before then.

There should be people whose job is security, imagine if a head beta get married his wife becomes the beta female. His family becomes the beta family same with the gammas and people can work their way up to become warriors in the pack males and females. You have a hierarchical team of people for the pack to look up to and know that if the alpha is busy. They can see and speak to someone in authority".

"That's a very good idea Stiles, if something like this was in place those Alphas who were selling their own people for profit wouldn't have gotten away with it. Someone would have broken rank and told the council or Alpha association. I'll bring it up to them when I speak to them after our conversation. How are you feeling dear?"

"Recharged, I really needed to rest. My god Talia it chills me to the bone that people could do that to other human beings. To think people are out there with children they adopted that was trafficked. I'm sure some of those people know the truth of how they got their child but others will not. There's so much to consider, the one good thing about yesterday is all those kids belong to some of the people in those cells".

"The FBI got everything out the house, lucky for us you took pictures of everything. Derek printed out the information for us".

Stiles smiles, she actually magically copied everything and silently thanks Derek for coming up with the reason for the photos".

"The supernatural council have people in the FBI right?"

"Every major law enforcement team have supernaturals working there, even the airport as tons of us working there. It's how they catch the bad guys who try to evade them".

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