Chapter 19✅

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Stiles let her hands fall and Lydia looks at her in both shock and awe saying nothing. Stiles makes a pulling motion with her hand and one of Lydia's leg goes soft like it deflated, she signals to the tree to let her speak. "I'm St Thomas".

"What does that mean?" Ask Stiles.

"I'm Lydia St Thomas not Martin", her other leg deflates as well.

"Try again you're a Martin which is where your banshee power comes from", says Derek.

"I'm St Thomas not Martin", a ball of energy hits her. "She's weaken enough please save me Stiles, she's possessed me".

Everyone stops in their tracks at that,

"What do you mean?" ask Stiles.

"You and I were childhood friends we met when we were very young single digits. She possessed me our last two years of high school together. I'm sorry she got those girls to purposely hurt you. Why do you think she was never around when you were being bullied.

She was watching her handwork from afar". Stiles starts to cry as she walks closer to Lydia. "You saw all the hurt she did, did you ever once try to fight her so you could take over?"

"I did like just now when she was weaken?"

"What is she a mix of?"

"Well siren you know, as well as banshee but she's human so she's nothing special really".

"If that was true she wouldn't need to steal magic now would she", says Talia.

Stiles smiles at Lydia, "You want me to help I'm going to need the truth".

"I'm telling you the truth", she starts to cry and hold her hands out to touch Stiles only to get a shock when she feels a forcefield. "Not so basement level after all", murmured a impressed Lydia.

"What was that?" ask Stiles pretending not to have lip read what she said.

"Nothing just I wished that I could help you but I can't. I'm sorry your boyfriend will now hate you for getting half his family killed".

They hear the noise of approaching feet Lydia smiles, "Three counts of murder one".

One of the officers walk up to Stiles, Derek and Talia. "Sorry for this Intrusion folks, we got a call about dead bodies.  There's clearly nothing here I think couple of kids are playing a prank on us", they look at the tree that was holding Lydia and smile.

They look down where the three bodies were and kick the dirt as if nothing was there. "These woods can get dangerous at night please be careful on your way back, bloody tree huggers". A policeman says loudly enough for everyone to hear as he and his colleagues leave.

"What the hell how do they not see a dead body?" Ask an incredulous Lydia.

"Do you know when I started to distrust the Starbucks guy?" Ask Stiles.

"When he said the personal invitation bit, you see I've been to a lot of pack get togethers. And I've never and I mean never seen him there. I've met most of the pack by now they have to meet me. Since I'm going to be helping Derek look after them someday. It helped when Laura told me what he put in your drink. An Alpha wouldn't tell someone low down on the pole, how they get information. Thats is just pure stupidity because it would be easy to sell to our enemies. It put us all in danger if he just starts bragging about knowing", says Stiles.

"So I knew he was high up in the pack yet I never met him before, you hid him for a reason". Lydia looks surprise everyone else just look lovingly at Stiles.

"Do you know those movies that tell us certain people need to be invited into a persons home, well a big bad I should say", Lydia shrug. "A vampire that's who, so that tells me two things you're a kind of magical vampire. Who doesn't need to be invited in to a house but you crave magic like a movie vampire craves blood. I'm guessing me giving your pal oral permission to enter my house was used in a dark way so he can enter am I warm?"

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