Chapter 10✅

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"So I hear you have some questions".

"How long till the tiredness after doing magic goes?"

"There's no hard and fast rules it depends on each individual".

"Have you always been magical?"

"Yes, you can only ever be born with magic".

"Do you think you can turn bad doing too much of it?"

"It's not like the movies Stiles you're either good or evil by that I mean a good magic user or a bad one. We decide if we use our gifts for evil or not."

"By evil you mean like murder."

"It's more than that, there are rituals that dark magic users do for instant to try to gain more power and a lot of these involves mutilation, murder and blood sacrifices. Your power for instant made a tree grow, a dark user would kill it or attempt to kill the tree". Think of it this way for every good you or I do a dark user would do the opposite not caring who gets hurt in the process".

"So Stiles how are you finding this whole new world?"

"Fascinating with everything that's happened with me finding out about it, I've not really taken stock of everything properly yet. But I feel like I've found a new family and it's nice to have them in my life. I'm almost even use to no filter Laura".

He smiles and laughs, "Trust me she will shock you just as you think she couldn't say anything more outrageous she does. The Hales are really great people they care about every member in their pack you know".

"I can see that".

"Alan's a great teacher unlike you I'm just a regular witch like Alan but you're something amazing, the power you hold is only limited by yourself belief. Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Go ahead."

"Do you feel limited in your power by your deafness?"

"Do you feel limited by your blackness?"

"Of course not that's a dumb thing to ask."

"Why ask about my deafness".

"Think of the answer I just gave you, people will think because you're deaf you're incapacitated or can't do things they can. Remember that and use it to your advantage let the ignorant people underestimate you while you come out on top of them".

"Thank you, I needed to hear that you're coming to the barbecue right?"

"I'll be there next week bright and early I gather you don't even have one in your backyard".

"I was wondering why you made the overhearing comment before then I realised while you do sign well, you talk as you're signing. I would suggest unless we're in an emergency situation not to do that. That way our conversation is total private".

"It's a habit I got into when we were having lessons after Cora lost her hearing. I thought with you lip reading it would be easier on you".

"Thank you for the consideration but I'm quickly learning I need to be careful especially since Lydia is still out there".

"Come on lets go find the others the place Talia booked for us to have dinner does the best lobster rolls". Stiles text Derek asking where he was and followed his instructions to reach him. She finds him with a big teddy bear.

He holds it out to her, "I won you this".

"Thank you", she kiss him and sees Laura playfully fake gagging while watching them. "There is a thing where you have a mallet and swing it to see how high a score you get I want to do that next. I can then say I went to Coney Island had a Nathan's hotdog and did that mallet thing".

I Love The Way You Say My Name(Part 2 Of Who Says I Have To Be Soft Series)Where stories live. Discover now