Chapter 15✅

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Stiles phones the police and they came and sort through the rumble of her building and took the note.

"All that work we did on the building those kids relied on that centre, they could be themselves there".

Derek hugs her, "It shouldn't take long to fix this place up".

She rubs his arms, "I remember how lonely it was being deaf and how places like this helped me come out my shell. I don't understand who could have done this and why now everything was going so well for us Derek".

"I know baby but remember you need to keep as calm as possible think of your blood pressure. Mum is going to investigate this, we need to know if it was a human or supernatural that did this. Someone clearly have a grudge against you".

"The message in the card being typed out doesn't help, I want to spent the night at the penthouse".

"Okay but we're going home the next day we can't be seen as being fearful."

"I'm scared Derek, do you think it's Lydia. I haven't seen her since that day she left my house".

"I feel like if she was going to do something, she would have done it by now".

"You forget she's really smart she could have been planning revenge on me for months. The only other person it could be is, wait what about that Paul guy who was banned from your mum's party?"

"He gave you a nice cheque for the centre remember and an apology. He's not stupid enough to do something like this. Last I heard mum said he was volunteering at a children's hospital and doing a lot of "Charity" to get back in the fold".

"Are you telling me that man wouldn't do this because his social standing is more important to him that getting revenge".

"In a nutshell, welcome to the upper east side look how many people now know sign language just so they can communicate with you. When mum is gone you'll be top of the tree, queen bee so to speak".

"Come on I need to lay down, the police has already taken my statement. Right now I need to find some builders".

"We have people in our pack and some allied packs that can sort this place out".

They went to the penthouse and Stiles has a shower and washed her hair to get the smell of smoke out of it. She just finish drying it when the doorbell rang. She heard Derek go to answer it and heard her father's voice.

"Is she okay I saw what happened on the news, to burn down a charity. A children's one at that for kids with disabilities is the lowest of the low. I hope the culprits rots in hell".

Stiles finish dressing and walk out the bedroom to see Talia coming towards her. "We will find out who did this mark my word. Derek has called the doctor to take a look at you to make sure you and the baby are okay. We have one of the apartments on the floor below set up as a mini hospital. I bought over french onion soup and fresh bread along with some other items".

"Thank you for coming all this way Talia".

Talia hugs her, "We'll hold a fundraiser to get the place fix up. Come eat you and my grand-baby need the nourishment. Stiles sits by the kitchen Island and David brings her a bowl of soup with warm bread. She takes her bowl and walk into the living room sitting by Cora and Laura. All the Hales were there, "You guys didn't need to leave work".

Laura looks at her like was crazy, "You're a Hale, we look after our own so we're all spending the night".

"There's only four bedrooms and while the sofa is lovely to nap on, I can't see it being comfortable to sleep on".

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