Chapter 42✅

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Over the following weeks Claudia got to know her new world and extended family members including the Hales. Stiles and Claudia was at Stiles house enjoying having a dip in the pool when Stiles felt pain in her stomach. She get out the pool and clutch her stomach Claudia walk up to her, "What's the matter darling is he kicking too hard?"

"I think I'm in labour mum, I need to have a shower and change out of my bikini".

"Just change darling forget the shower, I'll get your hospital bag and let Derek know".

"I've just been in the pool I'm having a shower to make sure there's no chloride on me".

"Ok hurry up I'll lay some clothes out for you honey".

Stiles leaves her mother and make her way upstairs and strip. She walks into the shower cubicle just as another pain hits.

Stiles breathes through the pain and somehow manages to have her shower, she dries herself then change into a red smock dress. She put sneakers on her feet then head for the car with her mother. She buckles her seatbelt and does the breathing exercises she was taught in her antenatal classes.

Stiles knew her mother was on the phone. Since she couldn't hear she didn't know if Claudia was still speaking to Derek. Or if she was speaking to someone else. It wasn't like she could say stop the car and sign to me what you're saying. Stiles text Derek that the pain was getting worse and he told her he would be at the hospital entrance when she arrived.

It took thirty minutes to get to the hospital and Stiles was happy to see Derek with a wheelchair. He helps her in it while her mum parks the car. When they get to the front desk Stiles was happy to see the reception knew sign language. A nurse came up to her and introduces herself as Julie. She was taken to a private room with a separate living room attach to it.

As she goes over the paperwork to make sure everything was as it should be. Stiles couldn't help but contrast this hospital visit with the one in the old world. The nurses didn't know how to sign and it was incredible awkward for her. Here people knew how to sign out of common courtesy for those who were deaf. It was taught in school from a young age to all children so deaf young children could communicate with their peers and bullying was stamped out.

Derek help Stiles change into a hospital gown and get back into bed. A doctor comes and introduces himself as Dr Green and explains that Stiles wasn't quite as dilated as she should be yet".

Stiles decide to have a epidural when it was offered to her. When she was given it she sit up in bed and look at Derek and her mother. "News crews are outside, your baby is a heir to the most important family in the world after his father".

"I know it's crazy to think my baby is that important and it will be a Prince or Princess too".

"Right now", says Derek. "Our baby is the most important child on planet earth. I've confirm to the press you're in labour, uncle Peter has sent a press release out".

After several hours it was time for Stiles to push she found it hard to push and lip read at the same time. Derek held her hand throughout the birthing process. There were times because her eyes were close while she push and deal with the pain. Stiles miss some instructions the doctor was giving her.

When the baby's head started to crown the pain became very intense and Stiles knew the instructions from the doctor was paramount. So she try to not focus on the pain and instead to look at the doctor's lips instead. When the pain was becoming too much Derek request that someone stood in Stiles sideline and sign the instructions from the doctor. When the interpreter came the birth started to progress at a quicker pace.

With one last push Stiles gave birth, they took the baby and cleaned her up. While Stiles delivered the placenta except it wasn't a placenta it was another baby, Stiles gave birth to a baby boy. Everyone was in shock none of the sonograms showed there were two babies.

When Stiles was clean and in a new Hospital gown Derek gave her their little girl to hold for the first time. As she held her daughter Stiles cries with happiness. She could see her daughter inherited her moles and brown hair. She gives her a kiss, "I love you so much", she mouths.

Derek walk over to the bed and put his arms around her and kiss her on the side of her head. He looks in on their son in his cot who was a replica of him with jet black hair and green eyes. He takes their daughter from Stiles and gives her their son. Stiles look down at her son and beams. Derek place his daughter in her cot and signs, "How luckily are we to end up with two children, we never need to think if only we could have another child".

Stiles nods in agreement then give Derek their son to put down. she was in a lot of pain from giving birth to her children but she didn't mind at all. Her family was complete, she was glad her children had each other to play with.

Stiles was knackered and Derek could see it, he told her to go to sleep since her body had been through a lot and it needed to heal. Derek knew that he and Stiles had a week before they leave and returned to the underworld. He got in-touch with Janet to tell her it's two babies not one so she needed to get another crib. Luckily they had boy and girls baby clothes since they didn't learn the sex of their baby before the birth. They were given a crib at the baby shower so they now had two which was a good thing, Derek was pretty sure his uncle or father-in-law was at his house putting up the other crib.

Stiles and Derek's parents came to visit the baby later than night. Stiles was going to stay in the hospital for three days. Then it was decided she would pose for pictures for the world press. They would've two days at home before they had to leave.

The next morning Stiles was sat up in bed eating her breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausages and pancakes. She takes a sip of her orange juice while enjoying the quietness of the morning. The children were in the nursery and it was too early for visitors. When she finish eating she buzz the nurse so she could have some help take a shower. Stiles choose to wear a simple lilac dress and left her damp hair to dry Naturally.

"Morning darling".

"Morning Derek, yesterday was not what I expected and I don't mean the extra baby. It was anxiety ridden trying to lip read and deal with pushing out two humans from your vagina. At least there's the deaf mother and baby group for me to attend when the kids are a bit older".

"I'm sorry Stiles I should've though to get an interpreter in the room as soon as you were dilated enough".

"It's not your fault, I lip read well but I didn't take into account having a Epidural would slow me down and make me groggy coupled with birth pains. It's hard to lip read when your eyes are close not to mention understand an interpreter".

Derek hugs her then kisses her on the forhead he moves away when two nurses comes in with their children. When the baby's cot was place next to Stiles one of the nurses sign, "Have you guys thought of a name for them yet?"

Stiles smiles at Derek then answer the nurse, "We had a name for a boy and a name for a girl so we will use them both".

"What are the names", Ask the nurse.

"Alice and Alex", answers Derek.

"Alice and Alex Hale what lovely names", says the nurse. "I'll just go and get the paperwork so you can fill in the birth certificate". The nurse leaves and the other nurse gives Alice to Stiles and taugh her how to breastfeed while Derek interprets her words.

Just a few chapters left now before this story is over.

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