Chapter 18✅

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"She's still underestimating me which is a good thing and as for she's using men to stay alive. She's clearly lying liar. She needs to feed off magic to survive, she's feeding off it somewhere and somehow.

She knows you're the Alpha Talia and chose her words very carefully. I think she may have had something to do with the fire or at least know something about it. You don't smile and laugh when talking about a charity burning down".

You're right", says Talia. "And how does she not know only your true mate can get you pregnant, my goodness she hates you Stiles".

"I think it's more jealousy mum think about it, she thinks Stiles barely has any power but still it's more than she has. She referrs to Stiles as a basement reject but look at how many people have learned sign language because-of her. Why because they know the power Stiles has now and will have in the future. Their wedding secret isn't even out yet but Stiles is second to mum in being the top of New York society. Man I want to be there the moment that thing takes its last breath".

"I came out to shop and buy things for my family. I can't do anything right now until the fire investigators finish doing their job. Let's make the rest of today a happy one, give me today we'll go back to the doom and gloom tomorrow".

"We can do that", says Talia. "I'm just going to put in a order for a panini I know Derek likes we can pick it up on our way back home".

"Why not just come back here and order it when we're leaving?" Ask Stiles.

"This is a special sandwich they don't do for anyone but our family and I need to introduce you to Johnathan. He's in our pack this is is franchise of Starbucks".

They get to the till and Johnathan takes them in the back. "Don't worry before the future Alpha mate put up the invisible shield. I got the gist that woman wasn't to be trusted. You'll be glad to know her order took so long because I put a little something in her drink and on her sandwich", says Johnathan.

"What?" Ask a stun Stiles.

"Laxatives and a little something to make her very sick, she will feel like she's had the worse flu ever. She will be sick for about two to three weeks and the best part is. She would never be able to tell it's from here or she was magicked", replies Johnathan.

"I don't get it?"

"Stiles when the enemy comes in here or someone we're unsure about. We give them food that's been messed with. By laying them out like this we can investigate them without them really knowing. You'll be surprise how many people are willing to talk when they know that the person they're scared of can't hurt them.

It gives an informer time to leave New York and start again. We've found out people have been dark witches, even terrorist using this method and anonymously told the human police the details", explains Laura.

"I understand now", says Stiles.

"Keep on eye on her if she comes back here, she's not to be trusted she's part Siren so be careful".

"Her power is so weak as one I couldn't really tell, but I'm sure her powers do work on the humans. So is she a threat to our pack?"

"She feeds off magic and who knows what else so she's a threat to us all. She has demonstrated she has no conscience. She would kill kids and pregnant woman if it get her power.
She's a treat to Stiles so therefore she's a threat to us all, we're family if you hurt one of us you hurt all of us", answered Talia.

"She's on CCTV her picture will be circulated around Alpha Hale, and thank you for coming to my establishment today. It's wonderful to see you".

"Johnathan don't forget the pack run at my house this weekend, I've yet to see you there", says Stiles.

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