Chapter 31✳️

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By the end of the week Cora and Laur were married women and the two houses they wanted they got. It helped the homeowners were supernaturals who understood the need to be near family. When Laura heard that the couple she bought the house from family all moved away to be with their mates she spoke to her mum. Who spoke to them and invited them to join the Hale pack which they accepted. They were even invited to Stiles birthday party.

When Cora heard the young family she bought from didn't have a lot of friends, she spoke to her mother and  after they were vetted they too joined the Hale Pack. Their young son and daughter now had people their age to play with outside of school. The parents were extremely grateful to the Hales who helped both families find a home near where quite a few pack members live. So they had a community to lean on.

Stiles was now three months pregnant and no longer needed iron tablet it was the day of her birthday party/wedding reception. She choose a custom made white A-line gown from an up and coming Jamaican designer. Talia was touched when Stiles said she wanted to have a Caribbean designer do her dress. Stiles was having her makeup done by a makeup artist, she looks at herself in the mirror. Her hair was in a updo and she didn't have a lot of makeup on, so her freckles were prominent. She had a tiara placed on her head which belonged to her mother who wore it on her wedding day.  After one last look in the mirror Stiles made her way into the elevator with her wedding coordinator.

When she saw the ballroom she cried, her wedding theme was rose gold and white. Stiles walk around the table and looked at the roses and candles. Everything was perfect, each bride had a section in the vast ballroom with their theme. Cora's flowers were all yellow and white and her bouquet was made up of mostly sunflowers and other yellow flowers. Laura's theme was grey and white and her bouquet was all white roses.

Stiles went to find her father and Talia, "You look lovely my dear".

"Thank you Tal  have you seen my dad?"

"He's probably with the boys helping them get ready".

Stiles leaves and start to greet some of the guest who were arriving, when everyone was seated the blessing service began. Everyone was shocked to hear all three Hale children were already married and off the market.

When the service was over everyone sang happy birthday to Stiles, she thanks them then helps herself to some of the canapés being serve. When it was time for the sit down portion of the evening all the brides and grooms stood up and made a speech.

Stiles was finish dancing with her father when Paul came up to her, "Thank you for the wedding invitation".

"We all make mistakes but you've been trying to do better, thank you for the extra donation by the way to the centre after it burned down".

"You're welcome I know you read lips I want to say something to you but not sign it can we talk over there?"

Stiles nods and her bodyguard follows a few metres behind, "I wanted to say thank you for what you did for my cousin in Beacon Hill, you saved her and the other people with her. She was the one in the bed with that man who she married so he didn't use the other women as sex toys, it was a deal they made".

Stiles covers her mouth with her hand in shock she looks at Paul again, "I know about the supernatural I'm not one myself the gene skipped me. I just wanted to pass on Olivia's thanks to you, she's scared of leaving Beacon Hill so myself and the family go and visit her every week. She insisted I came here, I told her how I behaved towards you the first time we met she was ashamed of me as she should be. I would never tell the Hale secret to anyone I need you to know that. We though Olivia ran away and gave up hope of finding her alive after five years, we finally have her back". He starts to cry and get a handkerchief out and wipes his eyes. "Is it okay if I hug you, you went in there not caring about your own safety and gave those people freedom".

Core, Laura and Derek come over with Issac and Talia and David. "Is everything ok?" signS Derek.

Stiles get her phone out from her bra and text them his cousin was one of the people we helped, he was just saying thank you. There was a look of relief from everyone then sadness. "Scott is a good Alpha he will take care of her", says Talia.

"I donated 10 million dollars to help in the expansion of the town I'm glad it's an all supernatural town now. The first of its kind my cousin has her magic back she can learn and get stronger while using it, you inspired her Stiles. She didn't say what you did Stiles, she say she will never tell a soul the whole truth but you make her want to study her craft. She didn't focus or had any drive for learning to use it properly till now".

"Cora, Derek, Laura and Issac can I hug you all too", they nod and Paul's hugs them.

"Stay for the whole party that way when you see Olivia again you have something great to tell her. I'll send a tier of my cake to Beacon Hills", says Stiles.

"So will I', says Laura and Cora together.

"Do you have a recent photo of Olivia we can see", Paul smiles at Stiles and takes his phone out and show them a picture of her. She had put on some weight and she was smiling with some people Stiles knew were Paul's relatives, she could see the Diner logo in the background.

"One day I hope her eyes and her smile match".

"It will take time Paul", says Talia squeezing his hand.

When the night was over Stiles and  Derek were in their hotel room, "What a day Paul knowing about supernaturals but didn't twig we were one till Olivia".

"He's desperate for her to come to New York".

"I'm not surprise all her family is here and she will be surrounded by love and people who want the best for her".

Derek she will get support in Beacon Hill but she should be with family maybe she will agree to come for a visit. My practice has doctors that she can can speak to".

"My mum won't let it rest till she's here with her family, happy birthday baby", he kiss her. Do you realise we got married as our true selves".

"The first time we didn't know who we were and today was a blessing Derek".

"No today was a marriage in the eyes of the law, I had words with the priest. How did it feel dancing with your dad at your wedding?"

She smiles broadly, "It was an experience I will never forget as gods we took each other as husband and wife but this is a legal human wedding. None of the other gods have had that. We are making some amazing memories here Hades".

"Yes we are", he helps her undress. "You have a tiny bump I can't wait till I can hear the baby's heart beat and feel it kick. Are we going to find out the sex or be surprise?"

"Surprise, I want to experience everything about being pregnant baby shower and all".

Stiles was now six months pregnant and waddling instead of walking, she was in the office with Issac supervising him with a new client to the practice Olivia. Talia and Scott convinces her to come to Manhattan for visits, it took three months for the first visit to happen. When she saw Jordan and all the Hales she seemed okay with being in New York. She told them about the day she was captured and her little boy who was taken away from her when he was just a day old, her family has been looking into tracing the boy with no luck so far.

Paul and his family joined the Hale pack after an invitation from Talia not long after Olivia decides to join as well. She was living with relatives for now but was having therapy three times a week. She hoped one day to have a place of her own with her 5 year old son when he was found.

That night Stiles and Derek were at the dining table eating burgers, fries, chicken and rice.

"We have three more months till the baby is born then we have to leave this world".

"Not right away Stiles"

"Us coming here was so I could have our child".

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