Chapter 26✅

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Stiles, Derek and Janet was following Scott's car they pull up to what Derek and Stiles knew would be the Hale house in Stiles other worlds. "You live here with all that woodland to roam around in you're very lucky".

"We're far enough away from the centre of town that no one will be seeing anything we don't want them to. Derek your mother have allowed me to stay on this land because I'm the Alpha of this area Don't worry it's still Hale land".
Scott opens his front door, "Please come in out of this heat, the house has air con".

Everyone follow Scott inside the house. It was decorated in all neutral tones of white, browns and greys with a pop of colour . Like the blue cushions on the all white sofa and the red toaster in the massive stainless steel kitchen.

"Your house is very lovely Kira and Scott, Do you mind if I help myself to some ice water I'm parched".

"Of course not Stiles I will get you a glass".

Stiles take the glass from Kira and walk over to the fridge. She had three glasses of water before her thirst was quenched. "Wow you were really thirsty", says Scott in awe.

"I'm pregnant and this heat, I forgot how hot it gets here".

"OMG you're pregnant congratulations".

Scott hugs Stiles so does Kira. "I'll make sure the meat you get at the barbecue is well good cook. We can't have you getting sick now can we".

"So where is everyone?"

They're due here in an hour let me show you guys around".

They follow Scott and Kira for the tour they were shown a large library, study, gym, two living rooms, seven bedrooms, a very large basement and the backyard with a pool area".

"This is so nice Scotty and you have a outdoor kitchen as well.I wished I thought to bring my swimsuit with me".

"Why don't I go back to your dad's and get us our swimsuits", says Laura.

"There's no need Laura I've plenty of brand new clean Swimsuits here. You guys just need to decided if you want to wear a all in one or a bikini. If you ladies follow me I'll show you the different choices".

While the women follow Kira, Scott ropes Derek into helping him bring out the meat for the barbecue, and taking extra beer and drinks outside.

"That's a lot of food".

"We have big appetites, your mother said you gave the go ahead for me to live here thank you. I know you said yes before you met Stiles. So I know you didn't say yes because of her.

Your mother doesn't charge me rent for this place. Because she doesn't I was able to fix it up and make it look great. There was now need for me to feel embarrassed when other packs visit me or stay over".

"You're a good man Scott I didn't make the connection between you and Stiles till several months ago. She said you helped her when she was bullied. I want to thank you for that, it means a lot to her that you stood up for her and learned ASL. Being deaf made her childhood hard but you made it a little bit easier. As a visiting Alpha I'm allowed to give you a gift".

Derek takes something out of his pocket and places it in Scott's hand.

Scott looks at the check and his eyes bugs out, "Derek I can't take this".

"Yes you can our packs are allies I'm doing this for you and May I had it's rude to refuse a give from a visiting Alpha".

"Is this because of what I did for Stiles because if it is. I would gladly do it again free of charge".

I Love The Way You Say My Name(Part 2 Of Who Says I Have To Be Soft Series)Where stories live. Discover now