Chapter 23✅

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After dinner Stiles and Derek went for a walk with her dad, "So which one of you showed up today and freeze the world?" He ask.

"Stiles I forget how short tempered and vicious he's".

"Well technically he's you dear".

"I know dad but today we caught a thief and his accomplice. While I know I'm Persephone, Derek is really Hades and you're Njord. I also know we have to behave like the humans do and live a life with just normal supernatural powers".

"We don't have to, we can do what we want here Stiles".

"I know but I just love this family so much and I don't want to just use our godly powers to suddenly solve everything. I want to spend time with them, enjoy them. Do you realise this is the first time all four of me is in a world together and we remember who we are. Dad I know you get what I mean"

"I do darling the minute I came here I saw what you had. I had the love of a good woman for many years, your mother. The memories I have of your mother because I'm here is just breathtaking. I'm glad I get to go on this journey with you my darling.

Human emotions are a rare thing, as a god I'm all powerful. But after coming here and experiencing lost, joy, pain, sorrow and happiness. I will say this it beats being all powerful any day of the week. To have a grandchild as well is just the icing on the cake. This world needs to always be here with these people".

"I feel the same way John I want to see my son or daughter growing up amongst their family here.  As well as being up with me and Stiles in the underworld. I know it's hard for you to visit us there, meaning you won't be seeing much of your grandchild when we leave this world".

"This is your world Derek it's always here for you to use. I'll see my grandchild here".

"Dad you have a point but Derek and I can't come back here again and be born to this world. We know our true identities now and will forever know it when we set foot in this world. We can never come here, be born and grow like we are doing now. The next time we set foot in this world it will be as we are now adults".

"What if I make it so everyone living here lives and comes to the natural end of their lives. But the Hales are always here and no one in this world will notice it", says Derek.

"I was going to say or we could live here till my hundred years are up and I need to return to my earths".

"I see what you have now Stiles and if I can hold on to a piece of it, then I want to".

"There has to be a solution son, we'll find it. When Stiles returns to her worlds you would have had ninety-nine years with these people. If you choose to stay here for all that time. The Hales will of aged and some of them may have died. Derek, Stiles you would have had a great adventure".

Is that not enough for you Derek?"   Ask Stiles.

"It is, I know that you have to live a mortal life on your worlds. That you have died a human death too many times to count. Would you not like to take a vacation here from time to time. To know that no matter what happens on your worlds. You get to see the people you love here with the knowledge they will never died. If you've had a stressful day ruling the underworld. You can come home to Talia's cooking it would be like having family around the corner".

"Can you make that happen Derek?"

"This is my world Stiles I'll do everything to make it possible. We came here for you to get pregnant and have our child. This world will still be here after we leave for the underworld. What you want to happen is complicated, if we leave this world when we come back. The cycle of life will restart which means a new version of the Hales".

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