Chapter 40✅

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As Stiles make her way around the pack there was understandably a lot of new face. They all knew seem to know her but she didn't know them. When it was time for the pack run some of the magical members of the Hale pack stayed behind. To protect her, Cora and all those who couldn't go on a run.

Stiles was putting trays of lasagna and pasta bake in the oven as she chatted to Cora. Everyone who went on the pack run would've burned off what they ate earlier and would be famished when they returned. "Cora how are you feeling?"

"Tired but good it's a good thing you guys made the house bigger".

"I know".

Stiles, Cora and those who stayed behind cooked and prepped the post run feast. When the night was over everyone but the Hales left.

"Derek please tell me today wasn't just weird for me".

"It wasn't just you Stiles", he kiss her and draws her closer to him in bed.

Stiles walks into her house to a surprise baby shower she was now eight months pregnant. She always knew she was having one just not when. "Guys this is so nice". The room was decorated very elegantly in blue and pink there was not a streamer in sight.

Talia's living room had a table for presents and all Stiles female friends were there including Olivia. Talia put a sash around Stiles body with the words baby momma on it. She leads her to a chair, "Let the games begin", she shouts.

They play games such as guest the gender of the baby, the baby food game and funny baby names. Stiles was having a really good time, there was a lot of catered food which as a foodie she loved. She was in the kitchen with Talia getting herself a drink, "Should I open the presents with the guest here or wait till later. I've never been to one of these things?"

"It's up to you dear".

Stiles turns to leave the room and sees Zeus, "No offence brother-in-law but why are you here?"

"I wanted to give you a gift".

"You don't have to, you've done so much for us already".

"I know but I think you'll like this one".

"What is it?" Zeus looks to his left and Claudia Stilinski appears Stiles gasp.

"Oh my god mum, how did you..?" Stiles turns to Zeus, "Is this for real is it for a day?"

"No it's permanent I went back to before she died and brought her here. I've explained everything to her and your father knows she's here".

Stiles hugs Zeus, "Thank you".

"No thank you, my brother is going to be a father so is Hermes".

Stiles walks up to her mother, "Mum". She hugs her and starts to cry, Claudia embraces her daughter and starts to cry as well.

Talia and Zeus watch the scene in front of them, "How do we explain Claudia to people?"

"I've altered the world so she has always been alive in this world. She was running late to the baby shower".

"Thank you".

All four people in the kitchen walk into the living room to see everyone was frozen. Zeus disappears and the world restarted itself.

"Claudia you're here", Olivia run up to her and hugs her. Cora and Laura look at Claudia in surprise then as if seeming to realise what they were doing. They school their faces in a smile. They knew she was suppose to be dead, "Present time", says Laura doing her best to sound as normal as possible.

Everyone gathers around Stiles as she's told to sit in a chair in the middle of the room. Laura gives Stiles a neatly wrap gift which she opens to see a box filled with bibs and baby bottles, she looks at the card, "Thank you Olivia".

"You're welcome your highness".

When the presents were all open they made a start on the food.

Stiles kept looking at her mother with the knowledge her father won't be lonely anymore. Her mother would be living with him in his apartment she was sure of it.

When the party was over and everyone but the Hales left Stiles turns to her mother. "Mom I still can't believe you're here, this must be so weird for you. What do you know of this world?"

"I know it's a gift to you and you're married and a princess here. I have yet to meet your husband Derek does he treat you well? Does he get embarrassed going out with you in public and seeing you signing?"

Stiles walk over to her mother, "No he doesn't get embarrassed about my deafness at all. He loves me for who I'm not what I'm".

"That's Good where is your father?"

"He's out with the boys including Derek. I'm so happy you're here".

"I'm too my darling and I won't died so I get to spent time with you and my grandchild forever. Is your father dating someone?"

Stiles smiles at Claudia, "It was only ever you for him mum", Claudia smiles broadly.

Talia stands and hug Claudia, "I've missed you so much. I can't wait to go shopping with you and show you how the world has progress".

"You're a queen Talia wow".

"I know thanks to Derek".

"Are you guys spending the night here?" Claudia Ask the Hales.

"Yes mum they tend to spent the night here after any get together that happens here. There's a spare bedroom for you or do you want to stay in the room that dad uses".

"I want to stay in your father's room, I still can't believe I'm here. Claudia walks and stand in front of Laura, "The last time I saw you. You were so small now you're a married woman with a baby on the way, Claudia look at the three young Hale women, "What are the chances all three of you are pregnant at the same time".

Stiles laughs, "I would say very high come on mum let me give you a tour of the house". Stiles takes her mother and show her around the house.

"The house is beautiful Stiles I'm glad you got your happy ending. It must have been strange remembering who you really were".

"Actually it wasn't I go to three other worlds every hundred years well my other-selves. I stay home usually but I went to the Warrior's world and experience being in a family for the first time. When I remember who I was I was ecstatic because I remembered. I get to have my child with me forever. I get to watch him or her grow up something. I desperately wanted after going to Warrior's world".

Claudia hugs her, "I'm glad you get a permanent family at last". Stiles takes her mother to her father's bedroom. Then walks into hers and change into silk pyjamas. She adds a robe to it then walk to a empty bedroom and take out a clean Pj set out the wardrobe in the room. She walks to her dad's room and knocks, "Come in", her mother yells.

Stiles opens the bedroom door, "I've clean extra pyjamas and underwear here for you. There's extra wash cloths and towels in the en-suite". She gives her mother the pyjamas and underwear, " I'll see you tomorrow". After one last hug Stiles leaves and close the door behind her. Then make her way downstairs to say goodnight to everyone.

"I'm happy for you Stiles, you have your mother back", Stiles could hear the sincerity in Talia's words.

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