Chapter 29✅

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⚠️This chapter deals with people in cages this chapter also deals with people trafficking and maybe uncomfortable for some people to read⚠️.

As the Warrior advances on the woman she sees Scott at the front door, she signs the back door is open go round that way. As Scott starts walking to the back door Stiles seeing a shadow on the floor makes herself invisible. She watch as Scott get the others and they go inside the house.

Derek and the Warrior watches as the others enter the house. The dark haired women kicks the Warrior in her back while she was momentary distracted. "Cat got your tongue", taunts the women as she watches in glee as the Warrior sinks to her knees. She stands over the Warrior who turns and smiles at her before she hooks her hands around the woman's waist and roll her in half, in a wrestling move taking her down. As the woman struggles to get out of the move the Warrior smiles at her. The woman looks in Warrior's eyes and fear and panic overtakes her and she starts having trouble breathing. The Warrior kept on smiling at her till she was no longer breathing. She stands up and look around the room at Cora, Scott , Issac, her husband, Jordan and Laura fighting. Sing a door the Warrior reach for the handle and close it behind her as she enters a small hallway.. She appears outside where Stiles was standing then walks into her. Stiles teleports herself back at the top of the stairs to the basement.

As she descend the stairs Stiles notices there was a putrid smell of decay and death. When she reaches the end of the stairs she saw cages filled with men, woman and children. To the side were a pile of dead bodies. She walks through the room while covers her nose and sees another room. Stiles goes in it and sees a refrigerator she opens it to see bags of blood and food. She leave the room and goes through the various basement rooms, she stops when she sees a expensive looking bathroom and a bedroom with a man and a woman in it. The women looked very malnourished, she opens her eyes and sees Stiles who put a finger to her mouth and points to the still sleeping gentleman on the bed. Stiles sits on the man's chest, he opens his eyes as he struggles to breath Stiles wraps her hands around his throat and strangles him to death.

Stiles help the women up and as they reach the main room she sees someone transport themselves inside the basement.

"Who tripped the barrier and lower the protection spells I put on this place?" The man ask the people in the cages. No one answers then scuffles could be heard overhead. The man follows the people's gaze and see Stiles and the women she just rescued. He raises his hand, "I'm the warden of this place no one can come here who as magic and I don't know about it. I'm going to kill you slowly so these people see no one messes with me".

Stiles signs, "I knew there were magical wards on this house dumbass, I disabled them to purposely get you here".

"You're defective", says the warden laughing. "Killing you is going to be so easy".

He raises his hand and formsa fist Stiles put a hand to her throat and her eyes become wider. The man looks smug. "Killing you is almost not worth it you have no magic to speak of, wait why do you look familiar to me?"

Stiles says nothing, "I know you from somewhere, did you escape from one of the other facilities?"

Stiles removes her hands from her throat and stop acting like she was choking the man notices. "What the hell you're Stiles right Lydia's victim? She will be happy to see you I may even get a bonus for bringing you to her. Why is my magic not working against you?"

Stiles walks closer to the warden and split herself Male Stiles appears. "Wow I was going to kill you slowly but something you said interest me. These other facilities where are they and what is it and this house used for?"

"Where the hell did you come from and why do you look like her?" A gun appears in Stiles hand and he shoots the warden in the knees.

"Answer the questions", says Male Stiles. The warden says nothing Male Stile shoots him in one shoulder".

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