Chapter 44

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"It will never look like what it really is when you visit I'm afraid somethings must be protected. Only Stiles and I can see the underworld for what it is".

As the day continued their families kept holding on to Stiles and Derek as if memorising everything about them. In the middle of having lunch they disappear along with their children.

"No no", shouts Claudia I didn't get to say goodbye". John runs after her as she runs out the dining room.

"I thought we had more time I wasn't expecting them to disappear like that", sobs Laura.

"We still get to see them that's something positive to look forward to, and Stiles get to hear her babies cries for the first time ever".

"Peter makes a point", says Talia.

"I'm glad that it wasn't the last we saw of them and I'm glad Stiles get to hear her children's voices for the first time", says Laura.

As the Stilinski's and Hales try to see the good in their children leaving Stiles and Derek returned to their world.  They make their way into their home and was glad to see it was an exact replica of the one they just left. "I can't believe we just disappeared and left everyone there", signs Stiles.

"I know it's sad and disappointing but we got four extra days there we never expected to have". Derek watch Stiles smile the biggest smile he's ever seen. "What".

"I can hear again, I can hear again".

"Our children I'll be able to hear our children, of course I'll still need to teach them sign language. Holy crap Derek I can hear again".

"I'm glad just know I love you, I don't care if you can hear or not".

She smiles and look around her, they were in the living room. Stiles knew the children would've been put in their cribs the moment they appear back in their world. She runs up the stair to the nursery and watch them as they sleep. She walk downstairs to see Janet who bows to her, "My Queen it's good to have you back".

"Thank you Janet can you ask death to pay my husband and I a visit as soon as possible please".

Janet curtsies, "As you wish".

She walks out the house and Stiles finds Derek in the kitchen making a hot drink. He look up when he hears her come in the room.

"I miss them but I'm happy, I've you and the children to ease the pain a little bit".

"To think if we never remembered who we really were we wouldn't know that we miss them".

"I'm still not healed from giving birth I want to take some maternity leave".

"Okay but we both know that the minute you entered this world your pregnancy was a thing of the past, so you're already completely healed from childbirth".

Stiles walk to where Derek was and hold his hand to prevent him from reaching for the kettle, "My body is completed healed and I'm pain free that's true, there is another type of pain that I'm enduring".

He turns and hugs her, "I know what you mean, now we need to thank death for his help so he can leave and we can take over".

"Can we go back to the cold ruthless people we were before?"

"Yes because while we were all those things we were fair and kind too, I've miss this place it's my world my domain. I'm glad we got to go to that world".

"But this will always be home", finish Stiles.

He wraps his arm around her, "Yes it will be, I love the Hales and your father but there I wasn't the king that I'm. I needed permission to exist there, here you and I have the final word".

They hear cries coming from the baby monitor, Stiles starts to weep at hearing her children's voices for the first time. They walk upstairs and go to the nursery.  Stiles sits in the overstuff chair she bought on her trip with the other Hale women and start to nurse Alice.

"You know I've lived many lives but that one was the first one I experienced being deaf. The contrasting worlds showed me how you can be ignored in one and treated like everyone else in the other".

"It was odd to see the care the hospital gave you in both worlds".

"I know I'm glad I had my charity in both worlds, Omg I'm going to miss your sisters giving birth".

"I know but my family have each other for comfort, our family needs to be our first priority. We are now officially Stiles, Derek and, just saying that fills me with joy. We should introduce your other selves to their children, don't you think?"

Stiles rolls her eyes, "I suppose we should".

She closes her eyes and three other versions of her, a mother, a warrior and a queen appears. They stand in front of her and take in the scene Derek holding their son and Stiles feeding their daughter. The one call the mother began to wept, "I never thought this day was possible all those trips to earth and nothing but memories to hold on to".

"Finally something we have something tangible as a reminder of a world",  says the Queen.

"I've said goodbye to so many children I've lost count but finally we have children who will grow up and become adults and give us generations", the Warrior look at the children in awe. "My memories from the other worlds have always been that, a memory of a life well live. Remembering who I was halfway through my time with the Hales as allowed me to see and feel something completely different".

Stiles understood what the Warrior meant, the visit were real in a way it never was before. Since she never knew who she really was on her other worlds. She finish feeding Alice and pass her to the one she calls the Mother.

"Does our people know that they have a new prince and princess?"Ask the Warrior.

"Not yet?" Answers Derek. "I'm thinking about Richard and how he tried to overthrow us years ago and I'm wondering if there are more people like him".

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