Chapter 37✅

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She knocks on Peter's door and wait for him to open it, "Stiles what are you doing here?"

"Bobby the spy something tells me that you've looked into him since the changes occurred".

"Your instinct is right", she touches him and his eyes change colour.

"My queen".

"What did you find out?"

"His majesty has allowed him to live in this new world, he's in jail still".

"How are you enjoying this new magical world?"

"It's nice to see it, it's a shame I can't be woken up permanently in this world".

"Your power will be too great and you will not be able to be your nature here. You have magic now, yes it's not power like you're use to but it's something. This world will stay as it is and the current occupants will not disappear when I leave like the other worlds. Once my child is here we can leave here and return whenever we want".

"So my family now will be mine for life".

"Yes you get to come back and see them when we return to the underworld".

"I wish I could remember them as my real self".

"Can you deal with the knowledge that you know who you really are. While still being the Peter Hale your wife and children expect you to be".

"Why do ask?"

"You will be playing a dual role here, you know what your job is in the underworld. You'll not be able to just ignored seeing injustice here. Can you stop yourself from giving out justice which is part of your job?"

"Honestly no I wouldn't be able to but I wish to have memories of my family while I'm in the underworld ma'am".

"I'll speak to my husband, I understand it will be hard for you seeing my child and wondering how I got him or her. I'll allow you to remember everything that happens here permanently in the underworld".

"Thank you my queen".

Stiles looks at her watch, "I need to go".

She touches Peter he looks confuse for a moment,"Did you do your thing on me?"


"You'll remember everything that happens here when we go home. There was a question you asked me that I need to speak to Derek about. Before you ask I can't tell you what that question is".

That nights Stiles and Derek were discussing what to do with Peter.

"Let him remember everything from both roles. His magic needs to be at full power at all times. If he understands that only you or I can command him to be his true nature in this world then yes grant his request".

"You're right and he get to talk to his wife about the other world too to prepare her for when we take the family there".

Derek's eyes cloud over and Peter appears in front of them. He bows to both Derek and Stiles, "You summoned me".

"Yes, I will grant your request you will have your full powers here. But you will be forbidden from using them without my permission", says Stiles.

"Thank you your majesty, will your sword get the same opportunity?"

"Jordan didn't ask me what you did, should he then we will see. Both of your jobs is to support me in my worlds don't forget that".

"I'll not your majesty".

Stiles smiles at him then raises her hands and Peter disappears".

"You did a good thing babe".

"He can't show his true self to his mate or children ever, somethings must be protected".

"They're your staff I may give you advice but ultimately Janet, Peter and Jordan is yours to command on your worlds. Technically this is a world for you but not officially. Offically it could be seen as my world".

"Speaking of Janet where is she?" Ask Stiles.

"Back in the underworld making sure things are running as they should", replies Derek.

"I suppose with this being a magical world we can protect ourselves and don't need her as a "bodyguard".

"Our baby will be here in three months I want to start enjoying my pregnancy. I'm going to ask your mum and sisters to go shopping for baby clothes with me tomorrow".

"I've been stuck in the office all day today what's it like out there?"

"It's different and weird  seeing people do magic and watching peoples wings appear". Especially on a world where people didn't know about magic before".

"We should spent a day together just enjoying each other's company. Now that there is no big bad to fear, I want to be a normal boring couple. Let's go to the movies by ourselves sometimes this week".

"We're doing pack dinner on Friday don't forget".

"I would be surprise if this is still being done since there's a counsel to sort out problems now".

"I know my mother the family will still have a pack night. She maybe a queen but I bet you at least one day a month there's a full pack dinner".

"You could be right there Derek".

They call Talia and put her on speakerphone.

"Is pack night still a think mum?"

"Yes it is, there's one scheduled for the pack on Friday that you're still hosting".

I'm head of all the werewolves on the plant, all the Hale Pack werewolves in New York that can make it will be there. The pack is now five times bigger in just New York than it was before . I even have a secretary who has already got all the RSVP's back for the pack night. It seems we do a intimate family get together once a week like always".

"Mum how has today been for you?"

"A little weird I'm queen to millions of people, have numerous staff who work for me and as I'm Alpha your father took my last name".

"Wait Talia he did that in the old world too right?"

"Yes Stiles".

"Do you have free time to go shopping tomorrow for baby clothes with me. I was thinking of asking Laura and Cora too".

"As I'm a literal queen I can make time to do what I want, this world looks expensive which begs the question why there's need for charity. I noticed my diary had a meeting with your charity Stiles".

"From what Olivia told me charity here is more a social gathering for different species to learn about providing for those who were born different. Money is always available, the fundraising is just for the species to brag about how much they give to the charity".

"So even in this new world there are the upperclass snobs".

Talia laughs, "It would seem so Stiles".

The next day the Hale women walked down fifth avenue Stiles sees a baby boutique, "Let's go in awe look at that cute blue onesie". They all press their noses to the glass before heading inside the shop.

Once inside everyone starts looking for clothes and toys for both Stiles and Cora's nursery.

I Love The Way You Say My Name(Part 2 Of Who Says I Have To Be Soft Series)Where stories live. Discover now