Chapter 13✅

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⚠️This chapter deals with bullying ⚠️

"Let me call dad quick before we start the movie, I want to see if he can move down here any sooner. Some landlords will allow a person to leave a day or two earlier".

"He's got a house right has he sold it?"

"Since it's all paid for he's been renting it to get a extra income from it but it's now without tenants ."

"I know some people in our pack who started college in LA who's looking for a house to rent, didn't you say there was a preserve behind it. Something like that would be perfect and the wolves wouldn't have all the noise and smell of the dorms. The guys would love to live someplace like that has your dad started advertising it yet?"


Stiles Skype's her father and Derek tells him about his idea for his house, "You make a good point son not to mention if it's let to wolves from other packs it gives us an advantage. Not to mention it gives the pack a reputation of being willing to help out others. That preserve has enough land for any number of wolves to run on".

"As a Hale Pack property it will give us a foot in the town who's the Alpha there dad?"

"Scott McCall."

"Wait Scott is an Alpha and a werewolf since when?"

"A few years now Derek's mother fought for him to get the position. It's a town with lots of young people they needed a young Alpha".

"So dad there's a barbecue at mine and Derek's next weekend and we were going to go to Florida the week after is there any way you can come down sooner".

"I don't see why not I need to speak to your mother Derek".

Stiles hangs up the phone and she and Derek settle back on the sofa to watch the movie. Derek hands Stiles her phone which has a text from her father reading, "This Thursday  your MIL is sending someone to stay in the house for a bit and Derek's uncle Peter is coming to get me. I can't wait to use Derek's private pool".

She shows Derek the text, "I'm getting some brownie and ice cream do you want some?"

"Yes warm brownie though please".

"Of course what do you take me for a philistine", he laughs and kiss her forehead.

As she's in the kitchen Stiles remembers her first time meeting Scott, she was in the middle of a crowd being pushed around being called a freak and loser. While other kids ignored her being bullied and some watched Scott was the only one to put a stop to it.They were four, when she got to high school her classesmates made sure to let her know that no guy will ever want her. If anything he will be embarrassed by her, they kept texting and emailing her that along with shoving her in lockers and physically slapping her at times.

She remembered Lydia was never around to see the bullying. It was the start of sophomore year when she finally had enough and pinned a bully's arm behind her back accidentally breaking it. After that she was left alone she made sure to let them know just because she was deaf didn't mean she was their punching bag. She send an email to everyone in the school.

She remembered a classmate learning to sign just to make sure she knew the horrible things people were saying about her.

It hit Stiles with Lydia in college and not in her life day to day she must have had full use of her magic back then without knowing she had it. When she send the email to just a few of the bullies she really wanted it to be read by the whole school and it was.

She detailed everyone who bullied her and what they did, in the end they were suspended and the principal put on a special assembly on the importance of tolerance.

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