Chapter 24✅

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"I always wanted to be half witch, half werewolf your majesty".

"As you wish", Stiles touch Janet and she starts to glow, "Congratulations Janet you get to be truly part of this world not just an observer".

"Thank you".

Derek open the bedroom door and enters the room. He sees Janet and says hello to her before closing the bedroom door.  Stiles takes a sip of her tea and fills Derek in on Janet's new job.

"Welcome to my world Janet", she beams after gaining Hades approval and disappears. "I need to start making a list of candidates to replace our burn friend. Won't she be surprise when she sees us in the underworld".

"Johnathan's wife June does admin and we know she's trustworthy. I can't believe dad bought my personal guard to this world. Especially when I can just call on my sword to protect me while I'm here".

"Would you though wake up Jordan I mean?"

"Yes if I need him but right now he get to experience something amazing. Just like us, Janet and dad. He and Laura are just figuring things out I couldn't be that cruel".

The doctor came and examine Stiles he told her he would like to put her on a drip in hospital. Because her urine stick test didn't look the way it should. She and Derek change clothes, just as they were about to go down the stairs.

Laura's bedroom door opens showing her half dress with a sneaker in one hand. "I looked out the window and saw Dr Michaels leaving what's going on?"

"I'm dehydrated and need IV fluids in hospital. Laura please stay here with Jordan. Hopefully I'm only going to be in for the night".

"We' re coming with you guys, Jordan call mum and send out a family WhatsApp message. So they can all meet us at the hospital, mum will arrange a nice room for you Stules.

When they arrive at the hospital Stiles was booked in then she her blood pressure checked. Unfortunately her blood pressure was high. "It's still early in your pregnancy Stiles, we need your blood pressure to be much lower. We don't want anything to happen to the little one. Have you been taking your vitamins?"

"Yes Dr Michaels".

"Good, good I like to keep you in for a few days to keep an eye on your blood pressure. I'm going to run a few more test while you're here. A nurse will take some bloods, I just want to make sure you're not very anaemic".

He sees the worried look on Stiles and Derek's face, "Hopefully apart from your blood pressure everything else is fine. If it's not then you're in the best place to be treated. Derek make sure your wife take it easy".

"I'll doc and thank you".

Stiles was having her IV fitted for her saline drip, she watch as the nurse connects the drip and leaves the room. There was a knock on the door and Talia pops her head around the door.

"Is it okay to come in?"

"Of course mum."

"Oh honey you look so pale what did the doctor say?"

"My blood pressure is high and I'm dehydrated hence the drip. They have taken bloods to check if my anaemia has gotten worse. He said I should avoid stress as its still early in my pregnancy. I'm only six weeks pregnant and not yet over the three month mark".

"Why don't you give a permanent job to one of those doctors that fill in for you at the office. You could hire more doctor's you have the room for it.

"Actually Talia, Derek and I were discussing me doing exactly that not so long ago. I will need to hire more admin staff to compensate".

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