Chapter 35✅

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Murmurs could be heard in the court room. Nyx get up from her seat and began to address the court, "Don't be fooled by the idea of being magical it's a con".

Stiles clears her throat, "Ok it's not a con Zeus will do what he promised. You guys have only just found out about the secret world around you. Your friends, brothers, co-workers and family have been lying to you. Don't you want the opportunity to get back at them, they need to know how pissed you're at them. To the supernaturals I say think of the power you now hold you can kill humans indiscriminately. This world could be yours for the taking. To the humans just think how much fun it would be to track and kill a supernatural".

"OMG", could be heard as Nyx spoke she walks across the courtroom. "This world will just filter out the weakness links. It already started today just look at the murders that's happen in just a few hours of knowing the truth".

Someone shouts monster at her, ".Why thank you for the compliment".

"Stop gloating Nyx and get on with it".

She turns to Zeus and bows, "Of course my lord".

"This world was created for vanity and now it's just chaos", the glee on Nyx's face was evident for all to see.

"You bought the chaos Nyx and exposed the supernatural this is on you. You wanted carnage you would be happy to watch these people destroy each other".

"Yes Stiles I would".

"Here's the thing", says Derek. "She's not telling you what happens if you vote for her plan and keep the world just as it is. Why don't you tell them Nyx just what they have to look forward to besides murder and every evil thing you can think of".

One of the members of council of Alphas raise their hands Zeus nods at her. "I want to know what happens if we don't choose the magical world".

"In three months the world will be rebooted and you will no longer exist as you do now", says Nyx. She had to answer the people's questions truthfully and she didn't like it one bit. Unfortunately for her she couldn't change Zeus decree on her.

"I don't understand?"

"Your family now may not be the family you have the second time round. You could be an orphan if you come back in the reboot", answers Zeus.

"If", Ask the councilwoman.

"There's no guarantees", the women starts to weep at Zeus's word.

"Look so you may not come back who cares. you can have carnage for the next three months".

The same councilwoman says very timidly, "You've never expert love have you. You talk so callously of death and this world like it's a pawn to you. Are you using this trial for another reason than you're telling us, the hate coming off you is so strong".

Everyone could see Nyx doing her best to not open her mouth but eventually she looks defeated and says. "Revenge I'm doing it for revenge and to destroy someone's happiness".

"You sad bitch you cause chaos on innocent people just for revenge. Girl go take up boxing and punch a bag or something. I'm embarrassed as a women to witness this theatrical show you seem to be putting on. Let me guess it's over a damn man who don't want your ass. Did you love a human or a god and they spurn you?"

"Yes", she answers before disappearing.

"You young lady are something else what's your name?


"It's nice to meet you rose".

Zeus turns to the courtroom at large after speaking to the woman. "You all have to make the decision that is best for you. In the meantime try not to commit more murders and do your best to see your love ones.

I Love The Way You Say My Name(Part 2 Of Who Says I Have To Be Soft Series)Where stories live. Discover now