Ch. 14: Diamonds

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Dream dropped a book on the table between us, pages opened to show a weird hellish looking place of fire and lava. Actually, that might just be hell.

"This book calls it the Nether." Dream revealed to the three of us who haven't read his book yet.

"That's Hell." Sapnap said it before I could.

"It's called the Nether in the book." Dream said once more, ignoring Sapnap's remark mostly. "Apparently, we can get some of the resources we need for making new tools items from here."

"You're saying we can actually go there?" George asked, brows furrowed in confusion. Likely thinking the same as I, we can actually go to hell?

"Yeah, but my books haven't told me how we get there yet. This one is just information, about places there and some of the creatures." Dream revealed while flipping a page to show pictures of some weird looking anthropomorphic pig men that the book labeled as Piglins.

"What are those?" Sapnap asked, stabbing a finger at the picture on the page.

"Apparently, they live there. They roam around in the Nether and even have cities there. We might be able to find out more about where we are, how to get out of here, if we can find one of those cities. Maybe they know how to get us out of here." Dream offered; voice filled with hope.

That's a good idea! We haven't managed to find anyone around us yet aside from Knut and those Pillagers, as Dream showed me a book about them travelling in war parties and attacking towns and stray homesteads.

In other words, us. Since we are a stray homestead.

Dream had mentioned going out further, looking further from home for a town. Someone, anyone who might be able to help.

We just haven't gotten around to it yet because of these Pillagers.

Dream and Sapnap have personally dealt with them twice now in the last few days. George and Sapnap also now know that I was with Dream that day when we fought off the four.

George and Dream were talking about finding more dogs just this morning, training a pack of guard dogs so we don't get outmatched.

Sapnap wanted to go find their camp. Since they must have one if they keep showing back up so often.

I personally just want them dealt with. They're nonsensical and too much a threat to us now. We've recently started a mine shaft, going down deep into the darkness of the world below us, so we now each have swords of iron.

Much better to defend ourselves with. As well as we each have a shield now, instead of just me.

"Maybe Knut will come back, he might know how to get us there." George offered with a shrug at the idea of going to that hellish land.

"Hopefully. I still need to buy two more of these from him as well." Dream tapped the little black device that he always wore on his ear, pulling his hood up after.

"Yeah, we all need them in case those bastards come back. I'll handle them either way, but it's better to have one for each of us." Sapnap said with a proud smile at getting to fight against the Pillagers again.

"Have you guys looked for their camp anymore?" I asked since I didn't go out as much as they did. I've been working on the mine, and on building.

"Still nothing." Sapnap grumbled, leaning back in his chair.

"We'll find them eventually." George offered as I watched Dream close the book and put it away in his bag.

"I'm going fishing for the rest of the day." Sapnap announced, standing up and going to grab his bag from the couch.

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