Ch. 9: Tense

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True to his word, Dream and Sapnap met us halfway home. Standing up against a tree with swords at the ready, they waited for us to walk up to them.

"You didn't have to come out here and meet us." George pointed out as we reached them, Dream and Sapnap pushing off the tree.

"You said you were attacked by strangers. We did have to come out here." Dream replied, voice firm and obviously still annoyed like he had been when we spoke earlier.

"What attacked you?" Sapnap asked, jaw set in a scowl and scratching at the coarse hair on his jawline absentmindedly.

"They looked like Knut. You know, odd looking people. They even talked, but we took care of them." I answered, George bumping his shoulder with my own with a prideful smirk my way.

"Come on, we'll talk while we walk." Dream offered, not waiting for us to agree and instead walking off towards home.

During the walk, George and I took turns explaining the fight and everything else that took place throughout the day during our travels.

We both specifically left out one situation that we had though. The reminder of it being George's hand brushing against mine as he passed me to walk beside Dream.

I know I'm a very touchy person. I know that I don't mind showing my friends how much I care about them with hugs and encouragement. I might have lost my memories before this place, but I know that in my heart.

But George? I didn't think he would be as open to it. I didn't think us keeping our fingers locked on the way back to the boat would blow over so quickly with him. Or the frequent hugs would stop leaving a red blush on his face so quick.

Almost home, I felt eyes on me again. Looking behind me, I caught Sapnap this time in his melancholic stare, surprised when he didn't shy away as he did last night.

"Go ahead without us, guys." Sapnap called forward to Dream and George, and before I could even ask what he was planning the two shrugged and left. nerves are back...

"I'm not going know I'm not gonna get mad or anything again." Sapnap muttered, falling in line with me with his head down.

The ache of last night tried to root itself back in my chest, but I vehemently fought it. There was no point in holding onto it anymore.

"It's alright, Sapnap. I know you didn't-"

"It's not alright, I'm sorry. I'm really fucking sorry, I didn't mean to..." Sapnap trailed off with a frustrated growl, looking off into the passing trees beside us.

"Sapnap..." I didn't realize he would still be holding this in after all day of us being apart. I had gotten over it, I thought he would too. What can I even say to help when he's obviously thought about this a lot?

"Did I scare you?" Sapnap asked suddenly, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his pants.

I opened my mouth but promptly shut it, not sure if my answer would help or not. Yes, I was upset that he was angry with me over the accident. But...

I don't know if I would say scared. Because I know Sapnap wouldn't do anything to harm me. He'd beat anything to death that tried to harm me, in fact. I know that.

"Sorry I'm such a hot-head and scared you. Won't happen again." Sapnap muttered, shoulders slumping and hurrying his step ahead of me.

"Sapnap, wait, you didn't!" Sapnap did not wait.

I sighed, wishing for the calm that had set while I was out with George once more.

I miss being able to just sit with Sapnap and relax. I miss the before, I miss...

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