Chapter 41: Corrupt

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We stood back as Dream, Techno and Bad attempted to trade with the first non-hostile Piglin we've come across in here. About time.

We've lost track of time in here, but it feels like it's been hours upon hours since we came through the portal.

How this is the first Piglin we've encountered that actually likes to see us wearing gold and attempting to give them gold ingots, I can't understand. Arius made it sound like there were plenty here.

George was back to being shy, for the moment. Tommy was trying to convince Wilbur and Tubbo that they should just ignore Techno and forge on ahead.

As if there isn't more of us here than just Techno.

Wilbur and Tubbo weren't having it though, and each shut down resulted in a tantrum and lonely pouting.

I glanced away from them, and barely met Sapnap's eye before he quickly flinched and looked away like it physically burned him.

My chest ached. I miss my friend...

"George?" I asked, turning to him beside me.

"Y-yeah?" I squeezed a hand into his, and that seemed to bring him out of the shyness for a moment. "You want to try to help him, don't you?" George asked, worry replacing his embarrassed shyness of before.

"Do you know what exactly he's feeling?" I asked since George can actually talk to Sapnap. Every time I try, he moves ahead of me and towards Dream, like he knows I won't go near Dream.

Dream must have shared that he doesn't want me to come near him, and that hurt a bit too much.

"I know his jealousy is spiking a bit." George admitted, since I shared with him about what Bad and I discussed. About what Dream and I talked about too. He's trying to keep an eye on things as much as I am, but his own situation is more present than my own. "A few other things too."


"I'm pretty sure if I share the big one, he's going to try to push me off one of these cliffs." George admitted, and I rolled my eyes at his dramatics. "He's really nervous about being around you, I can share that one."

"What? Why?"

"Because he knows he feels off, and he doesn't want to be around you and risk you. Just like Dream." George admitted, and I frowned at how both Dream and Sap were distancing themselves from me.

"I'm glad you're not doing that too." I muttered and leaned into him when he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side.

"I'm not feeling aggression like they are, luv. I'm just...insecure and overthinking. Kind of comparing myself to the other guys." I hugged into him at the admission, happier when he laid his chin on my head with a content sigh.

"You're perfect in your own way, don't think little of yourself, Georgie." I lectured him softly, happy when he nodded in response.

"Are you still feeling okay?" George asked softly, letting go of me so I could look over at Dream, Techno and Bad as Dream started getting aggressive. Techno was trying to root Dream on to just kill the Piglin, while Bad was trying to be a peacekeeper.

This is going to get worse before it can get better...

"I'm fine, not sure if my worry is my own or fueled by what's happening, but fine." I answered, sighing when Bad finally lost, because Dream said something to the Piglin, and it made an odd sound before running off and Bad had to yell for Wilbur to help restrain Dream and Techno from killing the Piglin.

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