Ch. 16: Curiosity

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Knut has finally come back!

Dream's been out in the field with him for nearly an hour now. How much can he be buying? I know we have a lot of emeralds saved up, but don't buy out his entire inventory!

Knut keeps flailing his arms around excitedly, maybe Dream's just trying to pry new information out of the trader. Maybe how to get to the Nether like Dream has wanted to do.

George and Sapnap are out who knows where today, and Dream was just about to go out as well when Knut suddenly came through the gates with his llamas.

I was going to go out myself, in fact. Not very far, if Dream hasn't made that abundantly clear, but it's better than being stuck here alone while the rest of them are out doing their own tasks.

Finally, Dream waved Knut off as the trader almost ran for the gates with a happy cry.

Yeah, Dream definitely bought out his whole stock.

Dream spotted me sitting on the steps up to the front door, making his way over as he tossed some things in his bag.

"Here, Princess." I barely caught it as Dream tossed something to me, immediately recognizing the little earpiece.

"Did you buy two more from Knut?" I asked, tucking the device into my bag.

"Yeah, we each get one now." Dream answered, walking past me to get to the door.

"What all did you buy from him? He practically skipped out of here. His llamas look like they lost fifty pounds each." I mused as I rose to follow him inside.

"More regen potions, those two earpieces weren't cheap, and a few other things. I'm going to put them away." I was left standing alone in the room as Dream went into his room without another word.

A sigh left me. Why is he being like this? Why is he being so...cold to me so suddenly?

This has been the last few days. Dream still talks to me like normal, but it doesn't take a genius to see how he's almost eager to get away from me if we're alone.

It doesn't take a genius to see how he avoids standing too close, avoids eye contact. Responds to me quickly when we do talk.

Why? Why is he being like this? What's happened? Was it something I did?

Is this still just the jealousy? Or is there something more amiss that I haven't realized?

I wish he would just talk to me like we promised we would. I wish he would just...

I fought back against the warm sting in my eyes, hearing his bootsteps on the other side of the door as signal that he's coming back out.

Dream did come out seconds later, barely glancing at me yet again.

I didn't say a word and instead moved past him as he walked towards me. Making my way for the hallway that led towards the back door of the base.

If all I am to him is a simple glance, then screw his order not to go too far from base. I deserve a chance to get out of here too.

I heard him call my name as I closed the door behind me, heading for the staircase.

Only a bark stopped me, Pippet coming around the corner and racing to me with a happily wagging tail.

"Come on, boy. Let's both go explore together." I offered, patting him on the head before continuing my escape.

As soon as Pippet and I got out that last door, it felt like I could breathe easier. It felt like I could actually relax without worrying that I've done something wrong.

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