Ch. 62: Consequence

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Dream and Techno finally reached the place where the Eyes of Ender were taking them.'s not good.

Because in finding that place, they also found where the Pillagers had gone.

"They have an entire city built over the spot where the Eye dropped at." Dream revealed, laying out a hastily scribbled map on the dining room table for all of us to look at.

"And this time, the walls aren't built out of wood. We can't burn our ways in or out like we did last time." Techno added onto Dream's revelation.

"What's it built from?" Bad asked while I looked at the exceedingly long trek across the wide map of the world they've explored in their search.

"It's built out of black stone, which means they've got a nether portal." Dream revealed, and I saw the way his eyes flickered towards Techno.

They're planning something.

"If they've got a nether portal, can't we just hop in ours and come out theirs?" Tubbo asked as Dream started to lay out more papers, crudely drawn renderings of large walls of stone.

"We thought about that." Techno admitted with a shrug of his shoulders.

"But we don't know where their portal comes out at. For all we know, it could be trapped just like ours is." Dream admitted as well, sighing behind his mask. "The last city we burned was nothing compared to this one."

"Not to mention it took you both a day to get there, and then another day to get back." Tommy reminded us of the long trip they had undertaken.

I've already suggested that they try Nether portal travel, since we know we can cover larger distance by doing it. They just wanted to reach where the Eyes were taking them first.

"Do you think they built on top of it on purpose?" George asked the big question.

"Yes." I answered instead of letting anyone else put in their theories. If what Oswald told me about Keres' pillagers being followers of the dragon holds any truth, then the placement of a city over the door between the End and ours is deliberate.

"The Pillagers work for the dragon, so of course they would protect the portal that leads to his world." Dream surmised what I had been thinking. "That's probably how they got back on their feet so quickly after we destroyed their last city."

"That's a good point." Nick grunted, sitting next to me with his chin resting on an open palm. "They're probably gearing up again right now."

"Or they're still trying to find where we went with the villagers of Hillshire." Wilbur pointed out the big fear we've had. Of the possible eventuality of New Hillshire being found.

Original name, isn't it? Apparently, the villagers held a vote one night for it, and it won by a landslide.

"So...what're we gonna do?" Tubbo asked, Dream beginning to shuffle all his papers back into a pile to put away.

"We need to make a plan, and we need to prepare. This isn't like last time; we can't just storm the city and hope for the best." Dream explained while stuffing his papers in his bag. "We need to plan everything to the finest detail and be completely prepared."

I know we need to get to the End, but isn't there a safer way than storming a city behind black stone walls and filled with Pillagers?

"Did you...see any of the pillagers over there?" George asked, question weighed down with another hidden one that I surprisingly hadn't thought of myself.

What George was really asking was if Dream or Techno saw the man who had beaten him down and still occasionally torments him in his nightmares.

"No, we stayed away from the main gates. We didn't want to get too close." Techno answered the question, and I scooted over closer to George at seeing the way he didn't seem to feel any better by the answer.

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