Ch. 52: Wants

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I want to break the bell. I really, really want to break the bell.

The chiming of the golden bell in Tommy's room reached all throughout the base, all the way back into Dream's room where I WAS taking a nap until Tommy started playing with the GODDAMN bell again!

I'm sure he's probably laughing while he's doing it too. So happy that he finally got the bell he wanted to buy so desperately from Hillshire.

Damn Dream for finally relenting and giving Tommy emeralds to buy it on his last trip to Hillshire the other day.

I pulled the warm blankets up over my head, trying to tune it out or drown it behind the safety of the blankets. To no avail...

The bed shifted, and I rolled to my right in time for warm, gloved hands to brush up my arms. "Still napping?" Dream sounded as annoyed as I feel with Tommy and his stupid bell.

"No, how could I?" I returned, rolling over to face away from him as he crawled in closer to me.

Dream's back to full health now, and I feel guilty for admitting I miss his bedridden days. I miss being able to spend most of the day with him. Lay in bed and talk and cuddle.

Just...more time with him than I get now that he's off with Techno and Bad most of the day trying to find more information on this place the Eyes of Ender will send us.

"Why're you home already?"

"It's storming outside, didn't you hear the thunder?" Dream asked me with amusement lacing his words.

"Is that why the little blond child is smacking that fucking bell almost as hard as I'm going to smack him?" Dream laughed at my genuine annoyance, so I buried my face in his pillow I took when I came in here.

"I can see your headache hasn't gone away with your nap." I whined in response, too annoyed to give him a verbal response. "Want me to see if we have something that might help?"

"No." I don't want him to put in the effort seeing if he or George can make a potion that'll just get rid of my headache.

"Want a temple massage?"

"Yes, please." I rolled over willingly for that, keeping my eyes shut as Dream maneuvered me to lay with my head on his chest so he could reach.

"Have we learned our lesson about going swimming in the river with Tubbo just outside the snowy spruce forest?" Dream asked, yanking his hand out of my reach when I tried to smack it.

"How's Tubbo?"

"Probably more annoyed than you, that's for sure. But he was sleeping last I checked. Before Tommy started with the bell." Dream revealed as he started to rub his fingers against my temples.

"Can we break the bell?"

"No, that was a lot of emeralds."

"...can we hide the bell?"

Dream chuckled softly, continuing to massage my temples. "I'll talk to Tommy first then consider it if he doesn't cooperate." Dream offered instead of letting me have my wish.

"I'll just ask Nick to hide it then." I pouted my lips up at him despite my eyes being closed to enjoy the massage.

"Then I'll just leave right now and let you rub your own temples." I whined in response, leaning into his talented hands. "That's what I thought."

"Fuck you..."

"Without George or Nick in here with us?" My face burst into a heated blush, yanking away from him with a squeal.

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