Ch. 30: Monsters

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Keres stared at the bloodied stump that was once his hand, seemingly frozen in shock for a moment as I watched it bleed and ooze onto the pavement beneath us.

Dropping the bloodied axe I used to commit the severance of his hand, I jumped back when his eyes snapped up towards me with a new rage burning in his icy gaze.

A snarl curled across his lips, hatred seeping from his very being.

"KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL! I WANT THEIR HEADS!" Keres bellowed loudly, seemingly ignoring the fact that he's bleeding out as he dropped down and grabbed his axe out of his motionless hand.

I retrieved my shield, more than happy to finish this fight if he's so willing to finish it himself.

"You THINK I CARE that you're not a Princess? Do you THINK I am going to fall to YOU?! I have killed THOUSANDS! You might have taken my hand, BUT I WILL TAKE YOUR HEAD!" Keres roared viciously, advancing on me with a new fury I haven't yet seen in the man.

I felt no fear, only rage in my own chest over everything that has happened to me and my friends. Everything that was orchestrated because of him! All the pain, all the trauma, all the beatings, near starvation, psychological warfare, EVERYTHING!

"I REFUSE to lose to you!" I pointed my sword at his throat as he advanced. "This is for EVERYTHING you have done to me and my friends!" I matched his war cry and charged forward.

Striking at each other viciously, I had just avoided Keres' boot to my face when I realized I was being surrounded by his Pillagers.

Smashing my shield into his bloody stump, I used the distraction for him to charge at his pillager soldiers.

The first one, I swung my sword at his throat and cut a clean slice, letting him fall to the ground grasping at his throat as I shield bashed the one to his left and smashed my sword up through his gut.

Flipping over the pillagers shoulder, I used his body as a shield as his fellow pillagers tried to attack me, letting their axes instead cut into their fellow pillager.

When he puffed, I aimed my sword at the ones who had accidentally struck their fellow.

"KILL HER!" Keres shouted from somewhere as I charged at his soldiers without mercy.

"You'll have to go through ME if you want HER!" I had just stomped a pillagers face against the road beneath me until he was unconscious when someone new entered the fight. Without hesitation, I stabbed my sword down into the chest of the unconscious pillager.

I couldn't take the time to be happy to see he's alive, ducking under the swing of Keres' axe and sweeping his legs out from under him.

"You were supposed to KILL THEM ALL!" Keres roared at his soldiers as he rolled out of the way of my blade.

"We won't die to you!" I roared back at him as he got back to his feet.

"You're no better than me! Look at that pillager, you stomped his face in just like I did to the one that attack you in your cell!" Keres suddenly cackled psychotically.

"I am nothing like you!" Keres caught my sword with his axe, jabbing forward with his bloody stump and disarming me of my sword.

"You do what you have TO SURVIVE! JUST LIKE ME! You'll kill anyone just to make sure YOUR PEOPLE SURVIVE!" Keres shouted gleefully as I used my shield to knock his axe flying.

"You're a MONSTER! You and I have nothing in common!" I clarified as he tried to punch at me with his stump, so I ducked and swung at his other arm with my shield.

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