Ch. 68: Lenience

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"What about here?" I poked a finger down at the map Clay had laid over the table for all to see.

It's time to start the tunnel underneath the Pillager wall towards the End portal. But before we can break ground, we need to choose a spot to begin it at.

Of course, Clay had a map of an aerial view of the land where our Ender Portal came out from. How he managed to make a map of the area without being spotted by any of the Pillagers from the city, I don't know.

I don't really want to ask either, considering he's safe so that's all that matters to me.

"We could cover the tunnel entrance the same way we did the portal." Techno offered in response to the spot I was pointing to for where to begin tunneling down.

"We'll still need to tunnel straight for a while probably though because of how far it still is from even the walls." George pointed out the fact that the spot I chose was still in the cover of the trees. Safer and easier to hide the entrance, though.

"What if we dug straight until we think we've reached the wall, then start going down?"

"Yeah, with the decline of the tunnel going down, we should hit the stronghold in no time."

"What if the Pillagers hear us mining underneath their city?" Tubbo, who had been otherwise quiet the entire time we've been sat together planning the tunneling process out, chimed in at last with a question.

"Yeah, I could always hear the mining out of the bedrooms from the hallways or even other bedrooms." Tommy also joined in at last.

"We should be fine." Clay promised, taking the map to put an x where we need to start descending down towards the stronghold. "Usually, you'll only hear it if you're within a certain distance or if the rooms connect at some point. But our tunnel won't connect to their city anywhere but where we break into the stronghold, and we'll mind just deep enough under the walls to avoid them hearing us."

"Even then, if they heard us mining, who's to say they'd know it was even us? Or where we're at? They'd just be running around like dumbasses for hours!" Nick both made a good point and a joke in the same.

"Language. I think you two are right though, we just need to make sure we dig deep enough." Bad agreed while petting Rat and Pippet who were sat on his lap.

"Okay then. If we agree on the spot, Techno and I will go start it tomorrow to make sure the entrance is properly hidden." Clay announced and took the map since our meeting seems to be over.

"Oi, when are you gonna let the rest of us help on this shit?" Tommy didn't seem to agree with the news, ignoring Bad when he snapped at him for his language.

"You guys can come help if you want once the entrance is covered. We're going to get it to the point where we're under the wall, and then from there we're going to go fast. So, we need everyone geared up before that."

"Yeah, so focus on the Netherite." Techno ruined Clay's pacification of Tommy with the sass in his tone towards our youngest friend.

"Why don't you do it, bitch!"


"Can we not start this tonight?"

"Eh, it's more entertaining than a boring meeting."

I sighed, standing up from the table as everyone started talking over each other and Tommy nearly jumped at Techno when Techno mocked his mining skills.

George joined me, following me back to Clay's room and away from the evolving chaos in the kitchen.

"Are you worried about getting so close to heading towards the Pillager city?" I asked George when we were alone in the bedroom.

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