Ch. 56: Possessive

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The city's buildings are complete, now for the big task of the walls that Dream and Techno have planned out.

Fortunately, that means our free time has started to return a bit. Which is much needed, considering Aster's words to Nick the other day dealt some damage that I'm working to fix.

Nick was pissed, rightfully so. But...he also started to have some doubts. In that he thought he was the last choice, as Aster rudely lied to him.

Poor timing in that we hadn't yet finished our talks from the night before that whole scene in the city.

Nick has been...distant for the last day. He's still the same with everything else, but with our relationship...

It's like he's not trying. Like he's just letting me do everything but doesn't have the energy to do or ask for things like before.

I want to have Aster exiled from the city. Clay says no, even though he's as pissed off by this as I am. Maybe more, considering Nick is his brother and all.

"Nick?" I knocked on his bedroom door, to no answer. Opening it, I was met with an empty room.

Where is he now? We've all taken the day for rest since we finished the cities main buildings and all. We needed a day for ourselves.

"He's in the library." Of course, Wilbur would know. I turned to the man as he walked past with an apple in his hand, waving back at me in his stroll.

I made my way up to the library, where Nick indeed was laying on one of the couches with a book on his lap and his head relaxed against the armrest.

"Nick?" His head turned enough to look back at me, before scooting in further on the couch almost like an invitation.

I walked over, sitting on the edge of the couch that he freed up for me. "Hi." Nick greeted, once more paying attention to his book.

"Can we talk?" I asked softly, earning his attention by slowly reaching for the book and taking it to put it on the couch.

"What's up?" Nick asked, not even bothering to try to mask his annoyance that I'd take his book from him. His eyes closing with almost acceptance.

"Are you...are you like, unhappy with this arrangement, now?" I asked, ripping the band aid off.

Nick's eyes snapped open at that, sitting up. "What? No, I'm not..." Nick trailed off to a sigh when he saw me watching him.

"Then what's wrong? Is this still about the Aster thing?" I asked, scooting in closer as he shifted around to give me more room to join him.

Nick laid his arms on his knees after pulling his legs up to give me room. "Darlin', I didn't agree with anything she said. kind of does feel like I'm last choice for you." Nick admitted, putting up no fight for this talk.

"You're not, Nick. If I make you feel that way-"

"You kissed Dream first, you hugged George first, you let both of them give you a hickey when I haven't even gotten the chance."

"I made out with you first. I gave you the first massages, I got jealous over you. I got hurt when you took back what you said in the Nether." I met each of his arguments with proof otherwise.

A blush stained his cheeks at the first one. "I was the first one you made out with?" Nick asked, voice genuinely shocked.

"Yes. You were also my first choice to kiss since Clay kissed me in a spur of the moment. I chose to kiss you, Nick." I reminded him of that day. That day that even though it turned so bad so quick, was kind of the beginning of our feelings for each other changing.

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