Ch. 25: Bad Situation

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It is deafeningly quiet down in the darkness of the prison. The only sounds being the occasional drip of water from the ceiling above, the soft, sometimes labored breaths of George beside me, and the occasional words we'd exchange.

To go along with it, it's surprisingly cold. Colder than it was outside when we first arrived. Damp with the smell of mildew. Cold enough that George and I were trading body heat in our closeness with each other.

George shifted beside me, hissing softly as he got himself comfortable again. I reached over to try to help, but he stretched his legs out and slumped a little lower to the floor without my help.

"George..." I had spent enough time crying already, but please don't reject me trying to help. Don't make me feel more helpless than I already know we are.

"I'm okay, sweetheart. I'm-" George sighed and groaned lowly as he tried to sit back up.

"Stop! Please, I don't know what they did but..." I trailed off as more tears began to race down my face.

George pulled me to him again, coddling me against his side even though we both know it's hurting him to do it. Letting me rest my face against his shoulder as he slumped back down to lay across the floor.

"They're coming to get us out of here." George murmured, a hand stroking gently at my side as I stained his shirt with more tears. "They're not going to wait a week. They're probably already outside preparing a plan to get us out."

I want to believe him. I want to believe that they can do it. But how? It's three men against a whole city! How are they supposed to get through the whole city and then down to us here in this prison?

"How..." I tried to question him, but my voice wavered. His other hand came across my arm draped over his stomach, squeezing me tiredly.

"It's Dream and Sapnap." George mused with a soft chuckle into the darkness. "They're not going to stop until they get to us. They'll burn the whole city if they have to."

He's not wrong...They just might set fire to those wooden walls around the edge of the city. They might just go berserk on the pillagers in an attempt to reach us.

But who knows what will happen between now and that possible event? Who knows if the pillagers will beat George until he can't even walk, or start attacking me once Keres realizes I have absolutely no clue how we all ended up here?

Who knows if they even let us see tomorrow? If this has all just been a big game to them that they'll get bored of. Then decide to just get rid of us like Keres did so willingly today with his own people.

"Hey...hey stop." I didn't realize I was shaking until George leaned up on an arm and pulled me impossibly closer, rolling over with a soft whine and cocooning me against him. "Breathe, sweetheart. It's going to be okay, just breathe." George soothed softly as I fisted his shirt in my hands in fear.

I...I don't want to see my friends hurt anymore. I don't want to see anyone get hurt! I don't want the villagers to get hurt, the other strangers that are being held captive here, none of them deserve that!

No one deserves this...this sheer brutality that Keres wields so nonchalantly!


A bright light blinded us, and I buried my face against his shirt in protection as the door opened behind us.

"Here, prisoners!" Something was tossed over us onto the floor. "Keres wants you to live, Princess. So, you're granted this. Don't think we won't take it away if you act up!" The door slammed back shut and we were plunged back into darkness once more as the pillager walked away.

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