Ch. 22: New Encounters

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The silent question lingered in the air between us. Neither of us moved, neither of us dared to.

His breath, stuttering and soft, ghosted across my face as neither of us dared to break eye contact.

What're we doing?

Sapnap moved first, and my heart hammered inside my chest as I watched him lean closer. Closer until there was barely an inch between our noses.

My eyes fluttered, barely catching the way his did as well before they closed.

What're we doing?

The tip of his nose brushed mine, and a shaking breath left me as I felt his hand on my back move and slide up. Palm heavy through my shirt.

His nose brushed mine again, more definite than the first time. More space gone between us.

I could hear my own heart pounding in my ears. Can he hear it too?

What're we doing?

The hand that had moved up my back made its way around my neck, thumb brushing along my jaw as I shivered against him.

Do I want this? Do I want to risk this? Do I really want to stop him? Is this a bad idea? Is this a good idea?

How could I stop him? How couldn't I? Does he really want this? Is this just a heat of the moment thing?

Sapnap pulled me closer with the hand still on my back, and our noses brushed together once more as he tilted to the side and I sucked in a bated breath. This is it-

"Holy muffins!"

Our lips barely angled together, didn't even press together yet when we stopped abruptly.

My eyes fluttered open at the sudden shout that broke the deafening silence that had settled.

Sapnap's eyes were opened as well, confused and slightly irate.

He pulled his face away and turned, and I followed suit to see someone standing down the alley from us with a black and red hoodie and their hands covering their face.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know people came back here to do that!" The man shouted. The same voice that interrupted us with that weird phrase.

But his words reminded me that I was still very much sitting on Sapnap's lap just milliseconds from letting him kiss me before we were interrupted.

I scrambled to get up, just barely catching Sapnap's irritated huff before he helped me up.

"I am so sorry!" The man continued to apologize even as we were back on our feet.


He's not a villager.

"I'll just give you your privacy!" He ran before I could think more on the fact that some stranger, a person like us no less, just came upon us. Someone else stuck here, just like us.

Is that the man named Bad that Volund mentioned?

Sapnap cleared his throat, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Um...sorry about...that." Sapnap apologized out of nowhere, motioning between himself and I with a blush staining his face.

"Why're you apologizing?"

"Well, I didn't exactly ask."

You didn't ask verbally, Sap. Haven't we acknowledged you're a physical man?

"How's about we go join the other two, before they send a search party for us." Sapnap changed the subject, but I made a mental note to bring this back up at a later point.

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