Ch. 38: Personal Space and Feelings

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The chest is full. Everything we need for the trip is gathered up in the chest. We're good to go to the Nether now.

I didn't focus on that too long.

Dream stretched out on the other side of the bed, a book in hand as Sapnap laid over me like a blanket with his face buried against my collar. Snoozing quietly. My fingers still carding through his wild hair.

"So, do you still not want to tell me about it?" Dream asked without looking up from his book, and I rolled my eyes at him for his persistence.

"We're focusing on Sap right now, not you." I reminded him, forever unwilling to tell him about my dream. He can know he was in it, but he will never know what happened.

"I'm just going to assume the worst then."


"Oh, that's a secret." I rolled my eyes again.

"You're such a baby." I retorted, continuing to sate Sapnap's touch starvation and loneliness by moving my hands to the back of his neck and stroking gently against his skin.

Sapnap sighed softly, hugging closer to me.

"If he weighs too much, let me know." Dream reminded, setting his book aside and looking down at our mentally and physically exhausted pyro friend.

"It's fine, he's kind of bracing himself with his knees." I said as Dream rolled his eyes and pursed his lips before laying back into the pillows more and retrieving his book.

Both of us agreed that we're going to keep a closer eye on Sapnap. He's obviously not one to share, so we need to be more observant. We need to make sure he's taken care of, just the same as the rest of us.

"Sure, you don't want to cuddle with him? He did offer." I turned my head to Dream, grinning up at him when he scoffed lightly.

"I think he prefers you." Dream answered and again didn't take his eyes off the book.

"Did you explain what's going on to George?" I asked, taking a serious moment since George is also Sap's best friend. Sapnap could use all of us right now. Not just two of us.

"He's in the shower, but he knows enough for the moment. He said he's coming in here after he's dressed." He is? I'm glad that we're able to talk well enough and acknowledge that when one of us is in need, all of us are going to be here for them.

"What about the others?"

"I told Techno to explain, and that I'm in my room for the night." Yeah...this is still weird to me.

Dream had almost dragged us to his seclusive lair, telling us he's keeping us close in case we start crying again. Dream's macho version of, I want to be close by if you need me.

I knew Dream had an eye for design, considering he designed George and Sapnap's bedrooms for them. But his room is something else all on its own.

He stuck with the same stone brick walls we've used across the base, but his room was like a whole different place compared to the base. He had pictures framing the walls here and there, like the homes in Hillshire. He even had banners of varying designs, something we haven't considered.

When did he have time to decorate and build this? Did he do this all at night when he's supposed to be sleeping?

Dream's bedroom was split as well. Not just one large room like George or Sapnap's. Instead, he had a sitting room just past the door with a couch and a reading chair, a bookshelf or two filled to the brim with books.

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