Ch. 21: Talk Vs. Act

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I undoubtedly feel better after my talk with George. The ache in my chest of betrayal and jealousy was far less apparent.

But I still was hesitant about talking with the cause of it just yet. Even though I know I need to.

"If you're not ready, you don't need to push yourself." George soothed my anxious nerves, breath fanning the exposed skin of my neck and making me shiver.

We had moved to a less...public location. Sitting on the grass by a villager's house was one thing.

But hugging into each other like it was a lifeline and leaning into each other was another.

The jukebox played whatever disc we had chosen quietly, not that we were really paying any mind to it.

Our sides flush together, and George's hand squeezing mine comfortingly, was our main focus.

"I know, but the more it gets pushed off the worse it could get. I don't want to risk that." I learned from what happened between Dream and I. I don't want another incident like that again.

"Do you want me to-"

"Georgie, I'm a big girl." I turned to look at him, giving him an assuring smile that I'll be fine.

George quirked his lips slightly but accepted my answer regardless.

"Thank you, for always being here for me." I cooed, pulling my hand from his to throw my arm around his shoulder.

"Anything for you." George replied as usual.

I hummed softly, turning and burying my face into his shoulder after pulling my arm back.

George took my hand back into his own, and I tilted my gaze to look as he lifted our linked hands up.

I reburied my face in his shoulder when he lifted my hand to his mouth and pressed his lips to the back of my hand.

Who says chivalry is dead? I didn't think hand kisses even existed anymore.

"Charmer." I muffled against his shoulder, feeling a chuckle rumble his side against mine.

"Are you shy? Is she getting shy now just because I kissed her hand?" I groaned at his teasing. What happened to sweet George? That's the teasing voice he usually does with Sap and Dream, not me.

"Keep it up, wise guy. I'll make you shy in a second." I warned, but George just chuckled again.

"Ooh, I'm so scared." George challenged me in return.

Okay, so you wanna get cocky now after earlier, huh?

I pulled away from him, meeting his challenging gaze and smug smile.

"What're you gonna do? Huh?" George taunted, leaning back onto the bed as his smile only grew.

I narrowed my eyes at him, more than ready to show him.

But the door opened behind me, and all my thoughts went out it as I knew who would be coming in through that door.

"There you two are." Dream said as I watched the way George's teasing demeanor fell away quickly to his usual warm eyes and grin towards Dream, and Sapnap when they weren't bickering.

"I said we'd be here, didn't I?" George returned as I met his gaze briefly. A silent exchange that didn't need words for me to know what he's telling me.

I'm still here if you need me.

I smiled at him briefly before turning around to face Dream and the one who I knew I would have to face whether I'm ready now or not.

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