Ch. 34: Quarrel

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"Let me help!"


I placed down the last brick for the platform, glancing over my shoulder at George's frustrated groan as he sat beneath a tree, Dream still not letting him do anything since his ribs are still healing.

"The platform is done!" I announced, Dream immediately dashing over with the obsidian to place down.

"Now we place it in a rectangle." Dream instructed, handing off half the obsidian to me so build the portal.

"I'm turning the thing on." Sapnap announced as he started on the walls to enclose the portal.

"That's the only thing you could turn on." George quipped from his spot nearly watching.

"Really? I had no problem turning your mom on, I couldn't turn her off if I tried!" I rolled my eyes at the two brothers.

"Like this." Dream flipped his book to a page and showed it to me.

Seeing the black and white example on the paper, I placed down the base as Dream rapidly built up.

Everyone else was out getting supplies for the trip. We also decided before splitting off that we'd talk to Arius first, since he and Bad have been to the Nether before. Arius might have some little bits of information for us.

"Are you even going to let me go?" George asked, voice dripping with frustration.

"Yes, you're going." Dream answered him with a little frustration himself. Whatever is going on between them that he's basically babying George, I don't know.

But I'm not going to pry, because there's already enough going on. We don't need internal fighting before we go somewhere dangerous like the Nether.

"Bad hasn't said anything else about the Nether, has he?" Sapnap asked, breaking the moment of tense silence that fell after Dream and George's short words.

"Not really." From what little I've heard Bad say about the Nether, all I've gathered is that it's a harsh place and we're in for a rough trip. Especially if it's hot in there, I'm thinking we might need a change of clothes.

Something light since we're going to need to avoid heat stroke.

"We'll get some more information from Arius." Dream said before pausing his building with just one obsidian block left to go. "George, come here." What's he up to?

George grumbled under his breath as he got up, trudging over to us. "What?"

"Here, place the last block." Dream held the obsidian out to George, who stared back at it in confusion.

"What? Why?" George asked, and I rolled my eyes at how blind he can be sometimes.

"You wanted to help, so finish it off." Dream offered, offered obsidian still extended towards our injured friend.

George scoffed, snatching the obsidian moodily from Dream's hand and slapping it into place before turning around and walking back to his tree he was sat beneath. "Ooh, one block. That's so helpful." George muttered under his breath.

I barely saw Dream roll his eyes behind his mask as he turned back to the now finished portal.

I glanced over to Sapnap building the walls, seeing he was as uncomfortable as I felt with the tension between the two best friends. He met my eye as I nodded between the two in a silent question, shrugging his shoulders before continuing to build.

I'll...actually, I'm not sure I want in the middle of this.

"When the building is done, we'll light it. The book says to keep it enclosed, since sometimes creatures from the Nether can get through the portal." Dream revealed as I joined Sapnap in building the walls around the portal.

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