Ch. 69: Bittersweet

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The tunnel is ready to be started. The tree is grown overtop it, to get down into the tunnel you have to chop out a piece of wood and go down the ladder that we chose to put in.

It's actually disguised better than the Nether Portal, to be honest.

But now that the tunnel is started, that means we're rapidly approaching our departure for the Ender Portal. The only thing we're missing now is a little more Netherite, then we can do our last upgrades and leave.

It's a little bittersweet, honestly. To know that soon we'll be leaving this home we've made together, the friends we've made of the villagers.

But we'll be going back to where we're from, hopefully. We'll still have each other each step of the way.

"Hey, darlin'." I looked up from crafting the last of the rockets Techno had taught me to make when Nick's voice interrupted my silent thoughts.

He was stood in front of me, and I felt my face warm a little at how I was so deep in my own thoughts I didn't even notice him until he spoke.

"You okay?" Nick asked as I set aside the completed rockets.

"Yeah, just thinking. Everything okay with you?" I asked since he was supposed to be out with George today.

"Yeah, I just wanted to see if you wanna come with us to the city. We're just trading today, nothing too interesting but it's better than being stuck here crafting." Nick offered as he leaned onto the crafting table.

"What're you looking for that you're trading with the villagers?" I asked, swiping the left-over materials off the table onto my bag open beside it.

"Just anything that might help with our plans. We've got everything else but the Netherite now, so there's nothing else to do until we have it."

Which is why not just Techno is in the Nether mining today. It's Techno, Clay, and Wilbur since Wilbur offered to join them.

My guess is probably to get a break from Tommy since Tommy's been exceptionally loud recently. Techno doesn't help with that though...

"Sure, I'll come with you guys." I agreed and grabbed my bag to go with them out to the city. I haven't been there in a while, so why not.

"Anything you want that you'll be looking for?" Nick asked and quickly rushed over to the door to hold it open for me.

I smiled as I walked through, Nick immediately wrapping an arm around my waist as we made our way for the bridge that George was waiting for us by. "Not that I can think of. They're still regathering and everything, so we haven't needed anything from them."

It's still sad to think that even this long after their old city was destroyed, they're still recovering. But at least they have a functioning city, and stone homes to protect them at night.

And way more iron golems than last time...

"Looks like your hickey's are almost gone now." Nick's breath ghosted across my neck, fingers as well before coming around to flash me a cheeky smile. "Was it worth it to rile him up that much with whatever happened out at the tunnel?"

"Yes." I answered him proudly, smiling innocently at him as he laughed at my lack of shame for revving Clay up enough that the back of my neck and a few other places look reminiscent of an ocelot.

Him and his claims. I don't mind it, since even when he's calling me a brat, he's gentle and making sure I'm comfortable with it. It's easily fixable with the dyes we've got in base.

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