Ch. 39: Warmth

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It's so warm here...

I cuddled closer, vaguely hearing a rhythmic thumping sound that both dared to wake me more or lull me back to dreamland.

The warmth feels nice...I can sleep a little bit longer...

The steady thumping increased a little as I hugged in closer, and I whined softly and laid my face down to try to hide from whatever wants to wake me.

I want more sleep. I want to go back to nice dreams and warmth wrapped around me...

Something slithered over my upper back, and I whined again and tried to hug closer to the warmth.

Thump, thump, thump. Wait, that sounds closer than I realized.

I cracked my eye open tiredly, looking down at a shirt beneath my face. Oh, did I fall asleep on George like back on our trip home?

I yawned and cuddled closer as I felt the hand on my back draw languid, half asleep patterns into my shoulders.

I rolled my face to the side, pressing my ear to his chest and listening to the steady thump of his heart beneath me. The rhythmic pattern soothed me back to sleep almost, until I heard the bed creak at the other end and cracked my eye open to see what the noise was for.

My eyes opened fully when I realized George wasn't in fact asleep under me, he was asleep a foot or two away on his side facing me.

I turned slowly to look up at the sleeping face of our usually masked friend.

His hand was tracing lazily over my shoulder, is he really asleep?

How did I fall asleep on him for that matter?!

Last, I remember was George, Dream and I talking half asleep about who knows what, then I must have fallen asleep. But how did I end up laying next to Dream with my head on his chest?

Wasn't I next to George?

My chest filled with a mixture of embarrassment and a sweet warmth upon noticing the way his dirty blond hair, usually swept back, brushed over his eyes. His nose twitched cutely, and a gentle sigh left his pink lips.

Asleep, he looks so much different. Awake, he's typically wearing his mask so we can't see his face. But asleep, he's relaxed, and the teasing smile he had most of the night in here last night was gone.

Instead, his crinkles at the edges of his eyes when he smiles are gone. If I weren't laying on his chest, I wouldn't have noticed before the way his eyelashes are thick. Dark unlike his dirty blond head of hair. Twitching like his eyes are moving behind his closed lids.

I wonder if he's dreaming. Dream has nightmares too, but does he have nice dreams as well? Has he ever dreamed of one of us like I did of him accidentally?

I noticed something else I hadn't before. A slight cut at the end of his eyebrow, paler than usual skin where hair should have been. Dream has a scar? I wonder if he has others...

Do the other two have scars? Does George because of what happened at the Pillager city?

Dream's lips quirked, so I laid my head back onto his chest in hopes that if he wakes up, I can play off the embarrassment of somehow having ended up sleeping cuddled up to him. Did he even feel it? Was he even aware of this?

George feels even the slightest shift in our sleep, I've actually woken him by accident once when I squirmed in his arms. He thought I was having a nightmare, but I haven't had one since that first night when we got home.

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