Ch. 24: Brutal

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Warning: Potentially triggering situations! Read at your own risk!


Complete and utter chaos. That is what ensued, complete chaos.

As soon as I saw them, the pillagers charged in to attack. We barely had time to grab our weapons and defend, let alone have the jump on them as we did before.

Shouts echoed with the clash of swords and metal as we were left to defend against the surprise attack.

I parried a sword and stabbed forward, impaling a pillager in the chest before kicking him off my blade and blocking another attack.

"Stay close to me!" I was pulled back against Sapnap as he easily slashed the neck of a pillager with a wild, almost feral grin at the fight.

"But what about George?! He's going to get swarmed!" I warned as the onslaught of pillagers kept coming.

"He'll be fine!" Sapnap snapped as I deflected an arrow and stabbed another pillager in the knee.

I'm not sure I can believe that! He was caught off guard just as we were, who knows how Dream or Bad are doing against this?!

Sapnap and I had the advantage of having each other's backs, but they don't!

I started to slash a path through the throng of pillagers, feeling Sapnap easily keep up and keep my back covered.




Bad! That's Bad!

"Bad, make your way towards us!" I shouted out to wherever he is in this chaos.

"I'm working on it, but these muffin heads just keep coming!" Bad shouted back to me as I dodged a sword and Sap parried it and smashed his sword through the throat of the pillager.

"Dream!" Sapnap shouted over the sounds of battle now in the direction we had previously seen Dream head off towards.

My heart sank when we received no response.

Dream's tough...he's the Green Monster to these assholes, right? He's not...nothing's gonna happen to him.


I screamed when I was suddenly yanked back, Sapnap letting out a feral growl as he immediately amputated an arm that had reached for me.

"COME AT HER AGAIN, BITCH!" Sapnap charged forward and finished the job, leaving me to cover his back this time.

"Guys!" My head snapped to the side as I heard George's voice carry over the battlefield.


"They're coming from all sides!" George called again as I started hacking and slashing a way towards him, my shield out now to block while I struck with my sword.

"Wait! Don't split up!" I heard Sapnap shout after me before realizing the path between us quickly was blocked by more pillagers.


They're attacking, but it's like...they're not taking vital strikes. It's like they're holding back...


"Luv, stop!"

I was suddenly tackled to the ground, a loud cry bursting from my lips as I landed roughly on the ground.

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