Ch. 36: Confusion

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I yawned, stretching my arms over my head as I made my way to bed. It's been a busy day today. Arius came to see us, surprisingly. Surprising because he made the trip alone.

Dream, Techno and Bad spent hours discussing our Nether trip with him.

The rest of us continued working on gathering everything together. We have a chest set up in the hallway that we need to fill before we can go into the Nether, and it's about halfway full now.

At least, it's halfway full now that I've added in the bottles of sweet berry juice for the trip. Sapnap kept trying to take them for at least an hour while I brewed them.

Sapnap's interruptions are the reason I'm going to bed last out of everyone. Because I wanted to put the last bottles in. At least we're halfway done with gathering materials. The next big project is getting everyone proper clothes for the hellscape.

I yawned again as I reached my shared door with George, pushing it open slowly to not let it creak and wake George.

I woke up a little more when I walked around the drawn curtains around the bed and saw him laying on his stomach, fidgeting in his sleep.

Carefully, I crawled onto the bed. George doesn't sleep on his stomach, nor does he fidget. He's a heavy sleeper, at least he's been since I've shared a bed with him. His arms are holding the pillow beneath his face in a vice even.

Laying down gently to try not to shake the bed at all and wake him, I rolled onto my side to face him when he suddenly jerked in his sleep and shoved the pillow away.

"George?" Is he dreaming? What's going on?

George shot up onto his elbows, gasping and I quickly reached over to try to calm him down. His skin felt clammy under my hands, hot and uncomfortable as he jerked away from me.

"It's okay, you're okay." I whispered, moving over and gently pulling him to me.

George fought against me for a moment, breathing coming out raggedly and frantic.

"You're alright, George." I shushed him, pulling his head to my shoulder slowly and dragging my fingers along his neck slowly.

George slowly calmed down, his arms leaving the bed and curling around my sides tight as he went lax against me.

I rolled onto my back, taking him with me as his breathing leveled out against my shoulder.

Once he was calmer, I felt him start to pull away. "You're fine, you don't have to move." I whispered, meeting his still startled gaze.

I think that's the first time I've actively been aware when he's having a nightmare. I didn't know his can cause him to act like that, to nearly leap out of bed in fear and fight against me when I try to relax him.

George laid back down on his side, running a hand tiredly over his eyes as I rolled over as well.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, reaching a hand up to brush his hair out of his face.

George didn't answer, instead he just reached for my hands and pulled them to his neck. I silently listened, scooting in to get my arms around him and snuggle up.

Laying together like that, he rolled onto his back after a minute and went back to sleep. This time much calmer than when I first came to bed.

That was a little terrifying...

I snuggled myself back into him and laid my head on his shoulder, hoping that I can help keep his nightmares at bay before I too went to sleep.


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