Ch. 19: Opposites

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The librarian wasn't even there. There was a note stuck to the inside of his door, entailing that he would be back as he needed more ink and paper. But no estimated time of return.

George didn't stay with us long. Worried about Sapnap's sudden anger, he went off to look for him while Dream and I went back to the house we were loaned to rest for a bit.

"Do you want to go find the shepherd?" Dream asked suddenly as I tried to pick between the music discs, laying on the bed behind me as the juke box was right next to it.

"In a little while. You need more sleep though, I would assume. With how you slept on the floor half the night." I reminded, glancing back at him as he snorted in return.

"Your fault for not wanting to let go of my hand." Dream poked, shifting his head to stare up at the roof above us.

"What? Mister Dream is too soft to take his hand away from a girl?" I teased, turning back to the juke box.

The bed shifted again, my warning that Dream was no longer laying on his back.

"Call me that again, and I'll show you how wrong that is." Dream growled, low and playful and causing a blush to rise to my face.

"S-stop it." I warn quietly but Dream only chuckles lowly in return. Doesn't move from behind me.

"Do you want to go shop? I still have emeralds if there's something you wanna buy from the villagers." Dream offered instead of continuing his teasing, moving to sit on the edge of the bed beside me and grabbing his bag off the floor.

Hm...there is some stuff we could buy from here to bring home. Like new crops to grow on our own farm, and possibly see about some new things to build as well.

"How much do you need to buy?" I asked as I tried to tally everything we could use in my head.

"I'll figure it out depending on what they have to sell." Dream answered as he shouldered his bag. "So, is that a yes?"

"Are you asking me out on a shopping trip date, Dream?" I teased him to get back at him for his own teasing before.

Dream scoffed softly, and I silently cursed the mask for not knowing if he was blushing or not. "Come on, let's go before you make this a whole thing." Dream stood and made his way towards the door.

"Ouch, I know a rejection when I get one." I switched tactics, following him to the door.

"That's not—stop it, you brat..." I laughed openly at how he started to fall for my tactic but caught on halfway through whatever he was going to say.

"Two can play the teasing game." I looked over my shoulder at him, sticking my tongue out at him before heading out the door.

"Gonna put that tongue somewhere else, if you keep it up." I snorted, continuing to walk away, and laughed instead when I heard Dream groan quietly as he followed me.

Since it's closest, we headed to the farm to get the stuff for our farm back home. "Oh, you don't have to pay us. Volund told us to give you enough to get you started on a proper farm at your own home." One of the farmers admitted as he leaned over the fence towards us.

"We wouldn't want to impose."

"Not at all! We are more than happy to help you get on your feet!" I looked to Dream, but he just shrugged in return.

"Is there anything you guys need here?" Dream asked instead as the farmer passed over some carrots and potatoes to me.

"Actually, we do need more sugarcane. Our farms are rather small right now, thanks to those damned Pillagers." Sugar cane? Now that's something we have an abundance of!

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