Ch. 45: Yes and No

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"Is this okay?" I sighed in response to George's question, letting my checklist of supplies flutter to the ground.

"Yes, or no. Consent matters, beautiful." I lifted my head, narrowing my eyes at Dream sat a foot away with his own checklists and a sly smile.

"For backrubs?"

"For everything, yeah. You're learning our boundaries, so we're learning yours." George punctuated Dream's sentence by pressing down harder against my back, just beside my spine.

"This is a knot, too. So yes and no tells me if I'm hurting you or not." George cooed, and I shivered as his stubble brushed against my neck before he leaned up to kiss my temple.

"We're supposed to be making sure we have everything for the fortress." I reminded, reaching down for my fallen checklist.

It's only been a day, but everyone's sleep schedules are screwed now due to sleeping all day when we got back. We're trying to fix it, but we're also getting things together to go back to the Nether and finish our task.

"I've got all the stuff organized. We just need to refill on water for everyone. We're good." Dream promised me, reaching over and plucking my checklist from my hands before standing from the couch.

Tubbo and Bad spent that first night back after the Nether redecorating...

On the plus side, the living room is finished with a nice, modern fireplace and a large sectional couch that can fit all nine of us and even the two dogs.

"Is Sap done working with Wilbur and Tommy on mining out the new bathroom?" George asked Dream as he pressed his fingertips deeper against the knot on my back, earning another hiss from me.

His hands are magical...I thought I was good.

"I doubt it. Why, need something?" Dream asked, leaning back down to my eye level since I'm draped across the couch for George to rub my back.

I tilted my head to the side, before smiling at the warm look in his emerald green eyes as he looked at me relaxed on the couch.

"Nah, just want to know how long I have before Mr. Clingy comes back." George laughed, Dream joining him as I kicked at George with my leg since I can't reach him with my hands.

"If you're going to have a three way, do it in your own room." Techno's voice interrupted their laughter, Dream standing up and leaving my vision.

"She's just getting a back rub. Get any useful enchantments?" Dream asked, voice drifting away as he went off with Techno to discuss their usual business.

"How's this?" George went back to focusing on his task, moving his hands down to the muscles in my lower back and rubbing firmly, with George's trademark carefulness of course.

"It feels good. I could return the favor." I offered since it has been a while since I rubbed his back for him. My own was only aching because of sleeping wrong, whereas he probably needed the rub more.

"Maybe later. I'm trying to get rid of your knots. How do you have so many?" George asked, and I craned my head to look back at him.

"You three caused each of them with the stress, I'm sure." I replied flatly, and his eyes widened until I slipped and let a snort slip by. Dammit! I wasn't supposed to laugh!

"Oh, ha ha. I'm the least stressful, I'm the one who pampers you."

"Mhm, suuurrreee." I drew the word out playfully, only to squeak when he leaned down and his breath fanned across the shell of my ear.

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