Frigid | C!Dream X Reader, OUT NOW!

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You read the chapter title right! Frigid is out now, go read it! I tallied up all the votes, and it was actually about the same on votes for Frigid as it was for Ad Meliora!

Frigid has more chapters written than Ad Meliora does though, so it got the upload first. BUT WATCH FOR AD MELIORA! Those of you who voted for Ad Meliora, it's still being worked on! It's still gonna come out soon, I promise! I just got a little inspired on Frigid 'cause of the topic.

So, go read it now! Thank you to all of you who voted, and those of you that offered to help with cover art! Everything all of you have done is amazing, and I'm so grateful for all the love you guys have given TIABW, I'm never gonna forget this story!

I hope to see a lot of you follow over to Frigid and Ad Meliora and whatever may come after those stories as well! See you there!

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