Ch. 67: The New Plan

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I looked over the new maps laid out over Clay's table, multiple plans and scrapped plans with lines across them strewn around as well.

So, this is why none of us have seen him for most of today. He's been down here making a map of the Pillager city, and trying to plan for the attack alone?

The only reason I got down here unseen is because he just left to go see Arius, since Arius had requested him.

One plan in particular caught my eye, scrawled on a map of where I presume the portal they disguised is since it's in the woods.

Clay considered tunneling down and underneath the city?

That...that could work...

It would give us the liberty to avoid the walls, the Pillagers above ground. We could tunnel our way into the fortress if we manage to find it down in the dark.

We could avoid the bulk of the Pillagers, having to fight a bloody battle, by going underneath them. Would they even expect that? For someone to tunnel beneath their defenses?

Looking at all the other papers, he had many ideas that he's never mentioned to any of us. Would he have mentioned this tunnel idea?

I carefully rolled up the paper to take with me, so he doesn't scrap it like he's done with many others. This could work, and it could convince him to stop working himself to the bone down here alone.

Leaving his secret office, I had just left the bedroom when Clay came back from meeting with Arius. "Everything alright?" I asked upon noticing the tenseness in his shoulders.

"Some of the villagers had an accident, Arius asked if we could spare some potions."

"What? What kind of an accident? Are they okay?" I asked as he made his way towards the hallway to no doubt go get the potions for Arius since we had an abundancy.

"They'll be fine, especially after getting a potion. Did you finish your work today already?" Clay is business oriented again, of course.

Clay is the biggest workaholic in the world, I have no doubt about that.

"I finished my list this morning. Because I already have all my stuff prepared and ready for the raid." I answered while continuing to follow Clay to get the potions.

I helped him gather them and decided to go along just to check in on the villagers and see for myself what happened, since Clay didn't tell me.

"You don't need to help me, beautiful. I've got this." Clay tried to coerce me not to follow, but I've learned to be as stubborn as him by now.

"I'm helping, Clay. You can't do everything yourself, and I have nothing else to do anyways." At that, Clay didn't argue again about me helping bring the potions out to the city.

"You always finish your work first out of us all." Clay mused when we reached the bridge.

"I'm focused and have a good work ethic. Are you okay though, big guy?" I asked instead of letting the focus stay on me.

"I'm fine. No need to worry about me." Clay answered but I at least earned his eye when I just stared at him. "What?"

"You've been holed up in your office all day. You only came out because Arius called for you." I pointed out since if Arius hadn't called, Clay probably would still be down there.

"I've been working, it's nothing new."

"I went down there and saw the chaos that is all your plans and maps and everything for our raid of the city." I earned his full attention now as he turned to me fully.

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