Ch. 26: Hope

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Warning: Graphic depictions of violence. Read at your own risk!


Silence reigned for a bit after the Pillager guards left. The only sounds to be heard being the occasional drip of water from the ceilings, or in our cell's case the shift of the makeshift bed as George pulled me flush to him protectively.

"I think they're gone for now." I whispered to him as he propped his chin on my shoulder, basically encaging me in his protective arms.

"I don't trust that." George replied, and I realized he had good reason not to when we heard doors start to slam from the entrance into the prison not seconds later.


George pulled me around him this time, grunting in his efforts as I tried to stop him from overworking himself. But he is stubborn.

"You know the rules, back against the wall and do NOT move or we WILL show you just who is in charge!" A different pillager shouted through the halls this time, their boots stomping making my chest clench harder each passing second.

George pushed me back though, doing as told by the pillager and getting me against the back wall. When I felt him continue to block me, I got stubborn as well and pulled him to sit beside me.

"Don't do anything to hurt yourself again." I hissed to him, staring blindly at him in the darkness.

George didn't get a chance to argue against me, because the pillagers walked in front of our cell at just that moment.

My hand found his and squeezed as they opened the door, heart leaping into my throat at the memory that these same pillagers threatened to break a different prisoner's teeth just a short while ago.

I can't let them near George, not with the damage they've already done.

"Oh, look. The princess and her little bitch of a knight are awake." A snide comment came from one of the pillagers as they took the bucket I left near the door and loudly dropped a different one in its place.

"Should we take her up to Keres? Or let her watch us kick her knight until he cries this time? Keres won't let us touch you, but him..." I immediately jumped onto George, feeling bad for half a second when a strangled hiss of pain left him from my abruptness.

But I won't let them hurt him again!

The pillagers laughed, tossing some other things on the ground before stopping in the doorway.

"How many emeralds do you want to bet she's not actually a Princess? Looks more like a common bitch that hasn't gotten bred just yet by one of those monsters." I ignored the insult, but George didn't.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" George snapped immediately, and when I felt him try to lift me off him, I put all my weight down on his lap to make sure he'll have to fight me to get past.

"What did you say, you little weakling?!" One of the pillagers stomped forward, nearly throwing his lantern at the other.

"I said-" I silenced him myself this time, pressing my back to his chest and staring defiantly up at the pillager as he stopped just a foot from us. He seethed behind my hand over his mouth, but I won't stand aside and let this abuse happen to him.

"Move, bitch!"


The pillager seemed dumbfounded for a moment that it was me that talked back this time. That it wasn't George, but the one they think is a Princess.

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