Ch. 47: Guilt

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I gingerly wrapped Dream's shoulder back up, making sure not to disturb him too much.

His chest rose and fell steadily, still out like a light.

"How's it looking?" Nick whispered from behind me, taking what was left of the roll of bandages I had used to rewrap his shoulder.

"It's slowly getting there."

It's been a day since we dragged Dream back home. Through the Nether and back through our portal.

More than a day since George poured the regen potion down Dream's throat, barely saving him just in time before the withering effect could steal him from us.

Dream has been asleep the entire time. Asleep, unconscious, in a coma? We're not sure.

"Arius is here with a healer to check him." Nick revealed as he helped me up from the bed, catching me by the waist when I stumbled for a moment. "Have you eaten yet?"


"You need to eat. You can't help Dream if you pass out from hunger, or dehydration at that from the look of you." I lowered my head in shame, knowing he's right.

But...I'm the reason Dream is laying here like this. That he's hurt worse than any of us have ever been.

I need to be here. I need to keep helping him. I need to be here in case...

In case...

"Darlin', he'll be fine enough for you to go get something to eat. Come on, Arius and his healer are coming in, you're getting some food."


"I'm not hearing any arguing from you."

I didn't have a choice, Nick's arm around my waist and leading me out.

Nick kept a firm eye on me the whole time, from having me sit at the table to sitting down with me just to make sure I eat.

"How's George?" I asked softly after a sip of sweet berry juice.

"He's passed out in his room. The ride to and from Hillshire went fine, from what Bad told me though." Nick answered, holding a bottle of sweet berry juice for himself.

"Is Techno back yet?" I asked next.

Techno, after we got Dream home, decided he was going to make the trip back to the Bastion himself. Wilbur told me not to worry, that Techno can handle himself.

But after that weird Skeleton, I'm not sure what I can believe about our abilities if something can do that to Dream.

"No, Will talked to him earlier over the earpiece though. He's at the Bastion." Thank whatever gods might be out there.

"How're the others?" I asked next, unable to find a smile when Nick rolled his eyes dramatically at all my questions.

"They're fine, darlin'. Come ask them yourself, you don't need to stay by his side the whole time." Nick repeated the same thing he's said since last night to me.

I didn't say any more, reluctantly eating the food that tasted like ash on my tongue. The flavor tarnished by my worries and anxieties.

Nick reluctantly let me go right back to Dream's room once I was done eating.

I nodded to Arius and his healer as they made their way out, going right back to Dream's bed and slipping past the curtains.

Dream was still out, so I carefully crawled into the bed with him to check on him.

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