Ch. 35: Atlas

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I had barely left the library and walked down the stairs when George came down behind me, barely noticing me and almost walking into me. "Oh, sorry, luv." George said as he stepped around me.

"Are you okay, Georgie?" I asked, meeting his eye and visibly seeing the frustration mixing in his brown eyes.

"I'm okay, sweetheart. I'm just gonna go read in my room." George answered, looking away as though he knew I could see the truth in his eyes. That I knew there was a lot more wrong than meets the eye.

"Are you sure? You could join us in the hot tub." I offered, hoping he would agree instead of mope in his room.

"No, go enjoy the hot tub with the others. Um...but..."


"Are you...staying in my room again tonight, or are you gonna stay with Sap?" Huh? Why would he ask that?

"What do you mean? Why would I stay with Sapnap when you and I sleep better together?" I asked, George keeping his gaze down the hall instead of looking at me. But I saw the way his ears reddened with a blush.

"I know you weren't happy that I told Dream about what happened. And I...I know you and Sapnap have been spending a lot of today together too." George shrugged his shoulders at the second half.

"I'm not mad at you, George. I just want you and Dream to...I just want you guys to be happy again." I admitted softly, Dream's words from earlier echoing in my mind again.

"I came to check on you guys earlier. I...I heard you guys in the library." I admitted, and at that George finally met my eye again.

"You did?"

"I wasn't trying to intrude on your talk with him. I was going to check on him and get the inevitable talk about the prison with him out of the way. I thought you were in your room." I explained as I saw the way his eyes softened.

"Hey, it's okay. If we wanted to talk in private, we shouldn't do it in a public space like the library." George mused with a small smile.

"Did you know something was going on with him? Before today?" I asked, and his smile turned into a frown.

"No. I guess I was too focused on my own problems to realize he had some of his own too." George admitted, shoulders slouching guiltily as I felt my own guilt sink into my stomach.

"I guess we both were." I agreed, frowning as well. A door shut behind me, and I looked back in time to see our masked friend reach the top of the stairs.

He stopped when he saw us, looking between both of us for a moment before continuing down the stairs.

"Why are you two standing in the middle of the hallway?" Dream asked as he reached us, and I realized his mask extended further than his face.

Whatever else he and George talked about, how he's feeling, he's masking it from us. But now that we've seen the cracks, I know it. I know that there's more behind that mask of his.

"I was just inviting George to join us in the hot tub. Do you want to give it a test?" I asked, deciding it wouldn't be right to talk about the serious stuff all together. Dream and I should talk alone.

"No, I'm good. We have a lot to do, a lot to get together for the Nether trip." Dream said while walking past us.

George met my eye, and I saw the way his gaze softened before he sighed and turned towards Dream. "She wanted to talk to you, actually." What? George, don't!

Dream stopped, turning back around to face us.

His eyes met mine, and I froze under his intense stare. It felt like he was trying to read me just by looking at me.

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