Ch. 51: Chase

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"You good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, beautiful."

I sat next to Dream on the bench in front of the new window belonging to Tommy's room. In front of us, Techno and Wilbur were finishing ripping down the old building we had erected around the Nether Portal.

"So, we have enough red stone for this?" I asked, watching Dream sluggishly dig through his bag on his lap.

Dream wanted to come out and watch Techno build the traps. This is the furthest we've gotten him from his room, and he's already sluggish and tired.

I'm starting to wonder how much longer this withering is going to keep him down.

"Yeah, I gave all the extra I had to Techno earlier. He's got everything he needs." Dream answered before dropping his bag to the ground between his shoes.

"How's it feel being free, big man?" I asked, smiling at how he tilted his head up towards the sun and clouds above.

"I forgot how good the sun feels on my skin." I giggled at his answer, leaning into his side and tucking my feet up on the bench. His arm draped over my shoulder, looking over at the swaying trees we planted however long ago across the river.

"Soon, you won't need me to get you this far. You'll be back to walking on your own and showering without George's help." I teased, laughing when he immediately grumbled in annoyance and pinched my shoulder as punishment.

"Tease." Dream grumbled, ignoring me when I whined after he pulled his arm away from me. "Any signs of the pillagers anymore?" Dream asked, back to serious discussions once more.

"None that we've seen. Arius said they haven't seen another since that one sighting by their portal." I replied, pulling away from his side to look over at Techno as he waved Wilbur off to whatever he had planned for today.

"Our portal will be secure. We just need to secure the gates at night, and we should be good. I doubt they'll come back, honestly." Dream assured me, but I'm not too sure how much I believe that.

Keres might be missing a hand, but he gained plenty of motive to try for vengeance against us.

"Hey." I looked down at Dream's hand when it fell on my thigh, before back up at him. "You trust me, right?" Dream asked, his eyes through his mask tinted with concern for me.

"Of course."

"Then, don't worry." Dream patted my thigh with the soft assurance, likely smiling at me behind the mask. "I promise, you're safe. Everyone else is safe."

I laid my head against Dream's shoulder, humming to acknowledge I heard him as I watched Techno break ground on his traps.

"How are we on ender pearls?" I asked as Dream draped his arm over me once again.

"About done. Once we have them all, we'll go back to the Bastion for the next step." I tensed at that news, not liking the idea of Dream going back into the Nether.

"Is that why Sap and Bad are hunting Endermen in the caves again today? So, we can finish that up?" I asked, doing my best to hide my discomfort.

"Yeah, even though I told them to hunt at night instead." I snickered at Dream's obvious irritation with having his suggestions go ignored.

He's such a control freak at times.

"You just don't want to potentially share me with Sap at night." I mocked him, smiling innocently when he turned to me with narrowed eyes.

"I don't share with him right now anyways, since you haven't slept cuddled with me since this." Dream patted his covered shoulder, turning back to Techno working.

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