Ch. 5: Time To Strike

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I looked down at the piece of wood lined with iron strapped to my arm, moving it across my body and crouching slightly. "There you go, just like that." Dream had given me a shield.

Since I have little combat experience like the three of them, Dream had crafted me a shield to defend myself if need be.

"Alright, block my attack." I quickly moved the shield in front of me in time to avoid the wooden sword he swung at me. It bounced off the shield, clattering lazily to the dirt at our feet. "Perfect, you're a natural."

"I just hope I'm as natural at this when an actual monster is attacking me." I spoke up, earning a scoff from the masked man in front of me.

"You'll be fine, I think we need to teach you some confidence." Dream teased, walking over and ruffling my hair under his hand.

"Agh, Dream!" I swatted his hand away, having just gotten my hair nice literally this morning. We haven't gotten the bathroom built yet, so we've been stuck with using the river to wash up.

"It's just hair. Girls are so fickle." Dream only continued to tease me, kicking the wooden sword up onto his boot and into the air. I watched him gracefully catch it in his hand, almost able to see the cocky smirk he must have under that mask of his.

"I have more hair than you."

"Then let's cut it."


Dream's wheezing laughter threatened to make me join in, but I playfully rolled my eyes and turned away from him with a huff.

After last night's awkward dinner, I wouldn't have expected Dream to be so open to teaching me this morning. We were supposed to be building, but George and Sapnap had to go out and grab some more materials for the bathroom build.

So, Dream stayed back at the base with me to train me.

"Hey, no pouting allowed." I was spun back around to face the taller man, looking up at him as he let go of my shoulder. "I'll set up some training dummies for you, I saw in some of my books a design for one so you can train with your bow without losing your arrows." I puffed my cheeks out as he snickered behind the mask.

"You're worse than Sapnap."

"Me? You're the one that volleyed an arrow across the river. I'm impressed with your range, and your accuracy was good yesterday, but today's a different story."

Dream's such a cocky guy.

I went off to make more arrows since Dream was having more fun teasing than teaching, using the crafting table outside since inside is currently a disaster area of strewn about building materials.

"Do you want to practice on living mobs? 'Cause I can fix up that spider spawner inside so you can just sit in a safe spot and shoot at the spiders." Dream offered, following me to the crafting table.

"No, I—I'd rather stay away from that thing." I muttered softly, as I didn't like the looks of it when we found it and still don't now.

"You'll be fine, Princess." I rolled my eyes at the nickname he kept using on me. "We'll teach you how to defend yourself, and before you know it nothing here will scare you." Dream mused as he stood opposite me at the crafting table.

How sure of that can be he though? I don't have the confidence he has...I'm not taking all of this in perfect stride like he probably did when he first ended up here. I'm...I'm not as strong as he is...

I finished making my arrows in silence, tucking them into my bag as I could feel nothing but the burning stare of the masked man opposite me at the table.

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