Ch. 18: Tour The Sights

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Sunlight woke me unkindly, shining in on my face. I whined, trying to roll away, but was met with something stopping me.

Cracking my eyes open, I looked over and saw a hand holding my own on the sheets of the bed. Following it, I was met with Dream's masked face lain on the edge of the bed.

When did I get into bed? And why is Dream sleeping up against my bed instead of in his own?

I just stared at him for a moment. Took in the way his chest rose and fell rhythmically with each breath. The gentle sound of his breathing against the inside of his mask.

His hand was laid over mine on the bed, heavy but warm. Secure. Safe.

Why did he sleep like this? It can't be comfortable...

Pushing myself up while being careful not to wake him just yet, he woke up anyways with a quiet grumble.

"Hey, don't sleep on the hard floor." I pushed myself out of the bed after pulling my hand from his.

Dream just scrubbed at his face with his hands, pushing at his mask tiredly. "You wouldn't let go of my hand, was just...making sure you felt comfortable." Dream punctuated the middle of his sentence with a heavy yawn, thankfully not noticing my blush at what he said.

I wouldn't let go of his hand? I know we stayed up late just reveling at being back together, but I didn't think I'd do that in my tired state.

"Here, come here and get some real sleep." I offered, patting the bed so he can get some sleep in a bed instead of on a hard floor.

Dream didn't protest, pushing himself up and nearly falling into the bed and sighing heavily. "...comfy." I smiled at his tired words. Sleepy Dream is adorable.

Even sleepy, Dream had the foresight to roll away from the bright window that had woken me up. So, with him now taken care of, I moved over to the other bed to get some more sleep myself if possible.

George and Sapnap were still sound asleep as well as I laid down in the free bed.

They all must be exhausted from their long night.

I fell right back to sleep. For how long, I'm not sure. I was only woken when I could hear loud laughter and chatter, cracking my eyes open and glancing towards the shut door.

The creaks of the other beds told me I wasn't the only one woken either.

"Mm, why?" Sapnap whined at the noise. Rolling over to look their way I saw George was getting up out of his own bed.

"It's the village." George said through a yawn.

Well, might as well get up then. I doubt it will get any quieter with how many villagers live here.

"Do you guys want breakfast?" I offered, remembering Volund's offer last night of coming back to the great hall for breakfast before he gives me a tour of the village during the morning.

Well, now the whole team a tour.

"I'm up!"

That worked to get Sapnap up.

"Should we let him sleep?" George asked, motioning to Dream who was still out even considering the loud villagers outside. Asleep on his stomach with his face buried in his pillow.

"Yeah, he had a long night." I said, withholding the fact that we were actually up a lot later than they were.

"Let's go get food." Sapnap interrupted, yawning tiredly once more.

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