Ch. 64: Detox

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Clay agreed that everyone needs a mental health day. After George's panic attack, which thankfully wasn't too bad, and hearing that Tubbo still has nightmares, we came up with the idea together.

All of this isn't just taxing on our bodies, but our minds too. Which are just as important, so we need the chance to relax and mentally prepare for the battles to come.

I honestly didn't expect George to be so tired though. I mean, he's usually the more energetic one in the mornings.

But he went back to bed after a nice breakfast and chat with the others. He cuddled me to his chest when I followed to check on him, going right back to sleep within minutes.

Even Clay and Nick seemed surprised.

"Do you want something to do while you wait for him to wake up?" Nick asked as George's steady breath fanned the back of my neck, his arms around my waist and upper stomach to keep me close.

"I would read a book, but it might be hard with my current position." I mused before Clay came back at last.

Even with a mental health day, he still went to check on the city. Workaholic.

"Any book in particular you want, darlin'? Nick asked as he got up to go likely find one for me.

I guess he's gonna try anyways. "Surprise me." I answered before he was gone to go find something for me.

Clay laid down, letting out a content sigh and stretching before reaching towards me with one arm and helping me scoot into his side while making sure not to disturb George.

"How's he doing?" Clay asked, glancing at George's sleeping face behind me.

"He's doing better. I think him knowing that all of us are here really helped." I felt George snuggle himself closer to me, as if he were agreeing without even being awake.

"I knew he was still having nightmares sometimes, but I didn't know that it was affecting him that much." The guilt that filled Clay's usually relaxed green gaze made my stomach turn. I don't want him to feel guilty for something that wasn't his fault...

"He hides it really good, almost like he's the one wearing the mask." I nodded towards Clay's mask that laid on the nightstand.

"Just because I wear it, doesn't mean I'm hiding how I-" Clay cut off when he saw the look I was giving him. "Fine. Point taken."

"He didn't want to be a burden, Clay. It's not your fault you didn't notice, you're busy. You've been trying to find the End, and now with the portal hopping-"

"That's not more important than him. Or you. Or anyone else here." Clay cut me off with a gruff response, the disappointment in his tone directed right at himself from the sound of it.

"Clay." I reached for his face, turning him to face me and meet my eyes. "You aren't at fault for not seeing it sooner. I was helping him, and it was working. But I think seeing how torn up you and Techno got just...triggered him." I said before he leaned in and pressed himself closer to me.

"How long has it been getting worse?" Clay asked, a question that I personally don't want to answer but know I have to otherwise he's not going to stop asking until I do answer.

"Since you guys came back from the new Pillager city." I admitted, frowning when he sighed and laid his head over mine defeatedly.

"I know it's because of Keres, but he didn't get this bad with Hillshire."

"Because we didn't expect that. But knowing we're going to have to deal with Keres again, that's entirely different."

"Have you been stressed out about it too?" Clay asked, leaning back enough to meet my eye when I craned my head to look up at his face.

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