Ch. 29: Escape

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"Hey. Hey! Lovebirds!" I flinched against George's shoulder, whining softly as I curled into him closer.

"Guys, wake up!" I pulled away from George this time, leaning up to see what all the shouting is about.

Blinking my eyes to clear the sleepy blur, I spotted Tommy across the hall leaning against the bars. Down in his cell, Tubbo was doing the same, both looking my way.

"What?" I asked, rubbing my face into my shoulder to try to wake up a little more.

"It's getting late. It's time to wake up." Tommy revealed as I looked down to see a light ignite in Arius' cell beside ours.

"Did everyone get enough rest?" Arius called, his jovial energy back once more.

"Wilbur's still sleeping, but we did!" Tubbo answered Arius' energy with his own.

"Is he going to wake up in time for the big escape?" Tommy asked, motioning towards George beside me. Who was still very much asleep despite the talking.

"Yes, he needs the extra sleep though." I reminded, reaching down and brushing my fingers over George's hand laid on his chest.

Images of earlier, of before we went to sleep, flickered through my mind again as I looked down at his sleeping face.

My heart thumped against my chest and I blushed before looking away.

"Is Wilbur alright?" I asked, surprised he's still asleep since he doesn't seem to sleep as much as the rest of us.

"Yeah, I think all the lack of sleep's just catching up to him." Tommy answered, looking back into the darkness of his cell.

"So, are we just supposed to wait?" Tubbo asked, catching something Arius tossed him from across the hall.

"It's all we can do." I shrugged, pulling away to at least lay back down while we wait for Dream to show.

As soon as I was laying down again, George got his arm around me with a sleepy sigh and pulled me back into his side.

With my head on his shoulder again while he slept a bit longer, I reached down to pull my earpiece from my pocket and see if the boys were there.

"Boys? Are you there?" I called softly to them, trying not to disturb the sleeping man beside me.

"Hey, Darlin'." I was immediately met with a warm response from Sapnap, smiling at how he would be the one to answer me. "Everything alright?"

"Just checking in with you guys. Are you getting ready?" I asked, rolling over in George's hold so my back was to him now.

"Yeah, it's about time. Dream said he's going to use his potion and come in soon." Sapnap revealed as I heard Tommy making a fuss across the hall to get Wilbur up.

"Is he wearing his earpiece?" I asked as I felt George roll over behind me, his arm falling across my waist a second later. "So we know when he's close by?"

"Yeah, our earpieces are tuned in to whatever feed you got on to reach Techno. We'll all keep in contact through the whole thing. Dream is going to get you, and I'm going to try to get your bags." Sapnap is going for the armory?

"Our bags are in the armory, Sap. It's a brick building, you can't burn your way in. Plus, there's going to be way too many pillagers for the risk." I tried to coerce him out of it, not wanting him hurt either from this.

Sapnap snorted back a laugh. "I'll be fine, darlin'. Don't worry about me. I'm going to slit the throat of that guy that dragged you off too, so..."

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