Ch. 8: Adventure

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Sleep was rough. It was hard to sleep when all I kept hearing was Sapnap's bed across the room creaking as he tossed and turned. My sleep was broken by it, not truly getting the deep sleep I needed for Georges adventure plan.

George and I had come back to Dream and Sapnap in a heated glare down, breaking it when they heard us close the door behind our return.

From then on it was just awkward words, fleeting glances and just outright uncomfortable.

Dream did try to argue against me going out with George on his trip, but he relented easier than I thought he would. He did, however, pull George aside for a whispered conversation that I'll have to ask George about when we head out.

Sapnap's bed creaked again, followed by a soft groan from the restless man across the room.

At least George wasn't talking in his sleep. He was still sleeping in the room with us, claiming he'd go to his actual room when ours were finished.

Sapnap and I hadn't said a word to each other when I got back. I gave him ample opportunity to, and it would be impossible not to feel his staring on me when I'm not looking. But he didn't try, instead moodily eating his dinner, showering and going to bed.

I did notice the seething glares though that he sent Georges way. His temper was so thin that I worried about a blow out and looking at Dream he seemed to think the same from how tense he was around the two.

Sapnap's bed creaked one more time, and finally that was it for the night. I was able to sleep peacefully after that, until George woke me in the early morning light.

"Come on, we gotta get up." George whispered, voice a deep velvety with sleep and eyes still struggling to stay open.

"Already?" I whined, wanting to bury my face in my pillow and go back to sleep.

"Yeah, we can't waste daylight." George has a good point...

We were up and heading for the back door within fifteen, exchanging turns yawning and few words due to being so tired.

To both of our surprise, Dream was standing out back when we walked out.

"Dream? Why're you out here?" George asked, stretching his arms over his head.

"To give you something." Dream reached a hand in his pocket, pulling out a small black object.

"What is that?" I asked, looking down at the thing in Dream's hand.

"The trader sold me two of these. Wear it on your ear, and we'll be able to talk in case you guys need help. I've got the other one on." Dream revealed, and upon looking closer I saw what he meant. A similar device was attached to his right ear, barely poking out of his dirty blond hair.

"How do you know it works?" George asked, skeptical as he took the little earpiece from Dream.

"I tested it already. Just press the little button on the top of it and it'll turn on." George did as Dream said, and a beep sounded from the device before George raised it to put it on.

"How did you pay for those?" I asked, since the trader must have wanted a lot for something so convenient.

"Don't ask." I don't like that answer.

George laughed suddenly, pulling our attention to him. "I actually heard you! I heard you with this, that's awesome!" George said excitedly, no longer tired at least.

"Be back with about an hour before sunset. And be careful." Dream said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"We will be. We'll check in with you every so often." I offered, hating the mask as I couldn't really tell what Dream was thinking like I can just by checking George's facial reactions.

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