Encounters At The Coffee Shop- Cody x Reader

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Running into strangers usually makes people annoyed, getting your coffee spilled all over you from someone being too invested in a book would make most people mad. You couldn't really find it within yourself to be annoyed that morning when a shorter lean man holding a book slammed right into you, spilling both of your coffees. He was immediately apologetic, even offering to get you a new shirt and more.

"I-I am so so sorry let me buy you a new coffee." You were blotting out your shirt, a shirt that was white but was now stained brown and covered in whipped cream. You glanced up at the stuttering man still unable to find really any anger in yourself, it had also partially been your fault as well, your book was equally as compelling as his.

"Don't worry about it, it seems like we were both a bit caught up in our books." He seemed shocked at your tone, he had definitely been expecting a much more vicious response.

"Still- let me buy you a new-w coffee." You obliged the stuttering man who you had now gotten a good look at, he was good looking, in an adorable kind of way, there wasn't any denying that. He wore a tan sweater that suited his skin tone well underneath a thin jacket and had a small gap between his teeth. The whole ensemble that was him was almost to cute to be real, having to blink a little to reassure yourself this wasn't a dream, there was in fact a cute man- who was also nice offering to pay for your coffee. You learned his name was Cody after hearing him supply it to the barista at the register- the name suited him just as well as his clothes.

"Why don't you take my jacket or something- I assume you're on your way to work with the time and all that and I wouldn't want you to have to go through the day with a stained shirt." He rambled to you while waiting for both of your second cups. Suddenly you remember the extra sweater you happened to have in your bag, one that happened to be similarly colored to the one your handsome stranger was wearing.

"Thank you but I totally forgot that I had my own in my bag." You shyly remarked while pulling out your own tan coloured sweater. The boyish smile on his face at the coincidence made your heart flutter, trying to will you to ask for his number. However, life had other plans for you both when you realized you had to rush to work so as not to be late. As you bid your handsome stranger goodbye you hoped another set of coincidences would have you run into him again.


The next time you saw Cody was almost in the exact same location as the first encounter, right near the front of the coffee shop you both had seemed to take a liking towards. It was only around twenty feet away from where you had both first collided that you spotted the cute brown haired man sitting on one of the city benches, he also wisely had put one of the daily papers he'd already probably read underneath him to prevent directly sitting on the undoubtedly dirty bench.

You felt a little weird about approaching him, he seemed deep in thought from your original angle, maybe he was caught up in his thoughts or maybe he was reading again and after all you guys were still relative strangers. You were about to turn around to continue your walk to work until you heard someone calling your name.

Your head popped up in recognition, eyes searching for the source of the voice before landing on the man that was almost edging on being an acquaintance of yours. Hesitating a little you walked towards him, he was as predicted holding another book, though you could not make out the name.

"Hi- it's g-good to see you again..." The stutter in his voice oddly reassured you, maybe he was just as nervous as you were.

"It's good to run into you again, especially without having coffee spilled on me." You giggled before trying to sit down next to him. However, it was stopped briefly by Cody reaching for another few pages of newspaper to sit underneath you. You gave him your thanks before sitting down to start a conversation with him.

Your conversations seemed to continually be around books, this time being about Cody choice which coincidentally happened to be the same book you were reading.

It was amazing to hear Cody talk about something he was passionate about, his words speeding up ever faster as he got to the part that he liked to talk about the most made you unconsciously lean in closer to him hanging onto every word he said. Unfortunately every interaction with Cody seemed to get cut short, he was quickly pulled away from you with an urgent phone call from work. You stared at his retreating figure in admiration while also cursing yourself silently for not asking him for his number again. You got up begrudgingly to make your way to work which just so happened to be in the same direction as Cody's.


The snow was steadily sprinkling down as you rounded the corner to find your destination, your now favorite coffee shop. The coffee shop wasn't really all that different from the many others you had tried before, but it was the continued presence of Cody- even if it was infrequent that kept making you come back for more.

Your mind was off into another land again, though this time it was filled with the thoughts of Cody rather than the fantasy novels you were normally consumed in. You had already shared so many thoughts with the man during your run ins, many deep thoughts as well, but it still seemed like you hardly knew anything about him. The craving was there to know more about him and you had started to consciously seek him out, no longer content with only coincidental meetings.

This time luck was not on your side as you looked around the shop to hopefully spot Cody, he was nowhere to be seen and you had to get to work.

As you rush down the block to work with your head down, you bump into a figure.

"I-I'm sorry." You scrambled up from the cement floor, wiping yourself.

"Y/N?" The familiar voice asked. You lifted your head to meet with blue eyes.


"Hey." He smiled, that toothy gap smile you love as he held onto your shoulders to steady your unbalanced self.

"Hey." You returned the gesture of the smile.

"Where you heading to?" He asked you.

"Work." You sighed out. "I really got to go, I hope you understand." You walked away from him guilty that work always had to get into your guys' way.

"Wait!" He called out, causing you to stop in the middle of the sidewalk. "Would you like to go out on a date? I-I had been meaning to ask you the second time I saw you but I had to go and then I didn't see you again because we had a case..." Biting your lip at his eager ramblings to conceal a squeal that was hiding behind your lips you nodded eagerly at his words. He hesitated for a moment before asking for a hug- which you gladly accepted already becoming addicted to his embrace. After which you were sure to finally exchange numbers and you were glad of the series of happy coincidences led you to Cody.

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