Face Masks - Duncan x Reader

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"I can't believe you're making me do this," Duncan groans out as you stand between his legs.

"You owe me buddy. Now it's just a little something I like to call payback." You chuckle, applying the black charcoal mask onto his forehead. "But this will be fun trust me."

"Sure it will." You roll your eyes at Duncan's comment. Duncan decided it would be a great idea to prank you. He put pickle juice inside your conditioner and shampoo so your hair smelled like dill pickles for a week.

"This is for girls!"

"Guys use them too. I bet Justin does."

"But Justin is model, and I'm the tough guy who-"

"Doesn't care about personal hygiene. Yes, yes you are."

"Oh my Atlanta you're driving me insane. I just wanna cuddle!!"

"Can you stop moving!" You grab Duncan's chin with your spare hand and swipe the remaining mask residue onto his nose.

"Sorry that this glop is cold." He pretends to shiver as you grunt. "You're cute when you're upset."

"Shut it you asshole." You say turning on the sink to wash your hands and Duncan jumps up. "Sorry." You fake a pout as Duncan wipes his butt with his hands.

"You got my ass all wet!" He complains as you stick your tongue out. "And I was enjoying the view."

"That's called retaliation." You smirk as he grabs your hand and places it on his butt cheek.

"Ew it's all moist!" You squirm as he laughs at you.

"See, you did this Y/N. It was all you." You shake your head and take Duncan's hand.

"How long does this poo have to stay on my face for?"

"First of all it's called a black charcoal face mask. Get with the program. Secondly, fifteen to twenty minutes."

"Ugh that's so long!" Duncan whines out. "Now I have to wait at least another half hour until we can cuddle."

"You're the one who thought it would be funny to put pickle juice in my shampoo!!"

"It was funny tho. Your hair smelled like pickle for a week! Priceless."

"God you can be such an asshole sometimes."

"I'm your asshole babe. You're stuck with me."

You two sit on the couch and watch a random tv show and create small talk to pass the time of the drying masks.

"It's time to take off the masks!" Duncan shoots up and drags you to the bathroom.

"So how do I take this off?" He asks dumbfounded.

"You have to peel it."


"Yes." You grab his face and start picking at the edges.

"Ow ow ow that hurts!" Duncan cries out as you rip it off of his skin.

"There, now your face is all shiny and nurtured." You throw his used mask into the waste bin and peel off yours.

"It's soft too." He starts petting his cheeks.

"Okay weird." You throw the remains of your mask into the trash and look at Duncan.

"Is it cuddle time now baby?" You nod as he drags you to the bed and throws you on there. "Highlight of my day."



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